You Are in Love with Me, Aren't You? (10)

Just as Xiaowang began to panic, Gu Yusheng, walking in front of him and carrying all the bags, stopped in his tracks. As if he had suddenly recalled something, he turned and glanced at Xiaowang.

Taken by surprise, Xiaowang held his breath. Gu Yusheng scrutinized the beads of sweat that had broken out across Xiaowang's forehead. Without a word, he turned and continued to walk.

As they were about to enter the apartment complex, Gu Yusheng looked at his parked car and, remembering a bottle of mineral water left in the car, he said, "Go get me my bottle of water."

Xiaowang immediately got the water and handed it to Gu Yusheng, who had put down all the bags he was carrying on the ground.