You Are in Love with Me, Aren’t You? (15)

What can I say? Would it help if I say anything? Should I ask him if the announcement going viral on the internet is true?

Whether she was going to ask him about it or congratulate him for it, it was like rubbing salt in her own wound.

Qin Zhi'ai looked down to hide the sadness in her eyes and remained quiet.

Gu Yusheng waited for her to say something but soon realized she wasn't going to ask him anything. He then said in a casual tone, "I'm leaving then if you have anything to talk to me about."

Qin Zhi'ai finally responded, but she only said, "Okay."

Gu Yusheng did not say goodbye to her. He stood there without leaving and fumbled for a pack of cigarettes in his pocket. He pulled out one cigarette, put it between his lips, and lit it up with a lighter. He turned to Qin Zhi'ai and said, "I'm really leaving now."

Qin Zhi'ai nodded without saying anything.