You Are in Love with Me, Aren't You? (22)

Zhou Jing had intended to return to the hotel suite after ending the call with the investor.

Being intoxicated, however, the investor was unusually chatty on the phone. He was even generous and optimistic, claiming that it would not be an issue for Liang Doukou to star as the lead in Director Lin's current movie and even the next one.

While Zhou Jing was impatient with his boasting, she concealed her feelings and sweet talked the investor to please him. When the call finally ended, Zhou Jing glanced at the call duration and saw she'd been on the phone for 2 hours and 10 minutes.

She hurriedly made her way back to Mr. Yang's suite.

After knocking on the door for a long time, Liang Doukou finally opened it. Her hair was tousled, and her clothes were a mess. Her lipstick had smeared, and the clear marks of kisses were planted on her fair neck.