Yusheng, I Am Pregnant (5)

It was the photo from the marriage certificate.

Even though Gu Yusheng immediately closed the photo, the employees in the conference room had all seen it, as well as Gu Yusheng's name on the certificate.

A boss who had just married was not an opportunity to waste. Suddenly, everyone in the conference room congratulated him and gave him their blessings.

Gu Yusheng wanted their congratulations and blessings, but he pretentiously cleared his throat to signal them to quiet down so they could start the meeting.

After the meeting ended, his finger slipped again and pressed on his reminder app: "Remember to buy pregnancy and childbirth books" popped up as he was trying to put his laptop away.

The conference room suddenly became loud again.

"Master Gu, is Mrs. Gu pregnant?"

"This is a double blessing. Master Gu, congratulations!"