A Lifetime Promise, Growing Old Together (9)

The folder was heavy and made a loud thud when it hit the coffee table. Qin Zhi'ai's heart jumped. She did not look up for some time but, when she did, she looked at Old Master Gu in confusion.

Seeing Qin Zhi'ai's perplexed look, Old Master Gu remained sitting straight up on the sofa with no intention of explaining to Qin Zhi'ai what was going on. Nanny Zhang, sitting next to Qin Zhi'ai, said in a pleasant-enough tone, "Miss Qin, perhaps you should take a look at what's inside the folder."

Qin Zhi'ai nodded and politely said to Old Master Gu before picking up the folder, "Grandfather, please have some tea." She straightened herself and moved one step back after she ask Nanny Zhang to have some tea, too.

She did not immediately check the folder on the coffee table; instead, she nodded toward the bathroom and said gently, "I need to excuse myself for a moment. May I check it when I return?"