The Truth behind the Car Accident (2)

"I've promised Yusheng that I will never leave him no matter what happens, so I will not leave him until I die. As long as I am alive, you will never be able to drive me away from him."

Upon hearing these words, Old Master Gu felt as if he were about to explode in rage. He was already spiteful about his grandson getting secretly married behind his back. And now, in the face of the girl who was speaking calmly before him, his guilt toward the Liang family, compounded with his anger, got the better of him. Before he realized it, he had already sprung up from his seat and swung his hand to slap Qin Zhi'ai across the face.

Qin Zhi'ai had never expected Old Master Gu to physically attack her. Upon seeing his hand swing toward her, her first reaction was that of shock and her mind blanked out completely. Forgetting to avoid the blow, she merely closed her eyes.