The Truth behind the Car Accident (13)

Neither Qin Zhi'ai nor Gu Yusheng could believe what they had just heard, but Gu Yusheng was the most shocked by Xiaowang's call.

If I'd not asked Xiaowang to investigate after Qin Zhi'ai had almost been hit at the hospital that morning...

If Xiaowang had not discovered that the car was the same car that had hit my grandfather...

If that driver had not secretly recorded the deal because he hadn't trusted Zhou Jing and Liang Doukou...

If that driver had not been threatened by Mr. Xia to release the voice recording…

No one would ever have believed that Liang Doukou's bravery in saving my grandfather was all a setup.

His grandfather's health had gone drastically downhill after that car accident. Even though Gu Yusheng was not happy with how his grandfather had been treating Qin Zhi'ai so poorly, he would not turn against him.