Back Then, I Adored You (20)

She still didn't understand what Gu Yusheng was saying, but she did know that her father was disallowing her to bite him, which was puzzling to her, as her mother had just done that. To her, this was simply preferential treatment. Within a second, her features twisted as she started crying, her little nose wrinkled as she wailed, and tears started rolling down her face.

Qin Zhi'ai, who had just been faulted by Gu Yusheng, glared at him harshly while saying to their daughter, "Don't cry, don't cry, little peanut. Be a good baby. Daddy will let you bite him…" 

Gu Yusheng could not help but feel like a popular man when he had to coax both mother and daughter. "Xiao'ai, I really enjoy getting bitten by you. Really, why not take another bite…"