Love Is Not about Possessing but Giving Your Blessings (5)

Lu Bancheng felt as if someone had stabbed him viciously in the heart with a sharp object. He had intense difficulty breathing from the pain. He knew that he was at fault for the events that had taken place that night. And he knew that he had hurt her immensely that night, but he had never realized the true extent of the damage caused by his actions.

Tears continued to flow from Xu Wennuan's eyes as she laid in bed. As she lost her strength by sobbing so hard, she also stopped resisting and her crying gradually became softer.

Just when Lu Bancheng thought that she would quiet down and fall into a slumber, her tiny hands suddenly grasped onto the bedsheets with an unusual amount of force. It was as if she was trying hard to suppress some emotion that she was experiencing but, despite her efforts, the rising and falling of her chest became increasingly obvious.

She began to open her mouth and mutter to herself, "I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"