Love Is Not about Possessing but Giving Your Blessings (17)

She accepted without the least bit of hesitation… 

Although she had replied to him without much emotion, he could still sense her rejoicing.

Lu Bancheng found it difficult to breathe, as if something was stuck in his throat. When Xu Wennuan noticed that he did not show much reaction, she stopped speaking and opened the car door and got out. Just when she was about to shut the door, Lu Bancheng suddenly stopped her by calling out, "Nuannuan."

Xu Wennuan turned around. Lu Bancheng opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out and, after a pause, she said, "See you on Monday."

"Okay," he replied. Xu Wennuan nodded her head and shut the car door before walking briskly into the subway station. Lu Bancheng stared at the entrance of the station for some time watching people coming and going. Finally, he shifted his gaze away and toward a tall building nearby.