Love Is Not about Possessing but Giving Your Blessings (19)

Drinking is inevitable when one negotiates in business. Aside from the fact that consuming too much alcohol is harmful to one's health, more importantly, it's particularly unsafe for a girl to do so.

After a moment of thought, Lu Bancheng searched for his secretary's number in his cell phone and called her. When she answered, she was beside herself that he had called, and he could sense her strong relief over the phone. Without any delay, she began to rattle off and report on work matters.

Lu Bancheng lifted his hand up to his aching brows and rubbed them as he interrupted her. "Help me contact the finance department to prepare some funds for a purchase. I'm going to open a spa for ladies, and I want you to help me search for a good location. I want it as soon as possible…"


After ending the call, Lu Bancheng clicked on his game and sent Xu Wennuan a message over the server.