I've Loved Her for a Longer Time, and More Than You Do (1)

The more Xu Wennuan thought about it, the more irritated she felt. In the end, she paid no attention to her embarrassment and sat down on the cobbled streets of the ancient town and started brainstorming about her next move.

She watched the sky slowly darken as the sun gradually set. By the time the last bus heading toward Lijiang departed, she still had not thought of a solution.

The streetlights in the ancient town lit up one by one. The number of tourists was dwindling, as well, and the cacophony on the streets had grown much quieter. Xu Wennuan moved her slightly numb legs and thought about how her only solution right now was to borrow a phone so she could call her parents and ask them to come to Lijiang to pick her up; however, at that moment, she detected a familiar figure in her peripheral vision.