Every Page of My Life Is about You (5)

The protective plastic sheets covering the furniture in the villa were all still fully intact. Outside of looking slightly out of style, the furnishings and decor all looked as good as when he had purchased it.

Wu Hao slowly strolled around the interior of the villa where he was familiar with every corner. Out of all the properties he had purchased over the past few years, this was the only one he had personally decorated. He always hired professionals to design and decorate his other properties, and he never asked about them. The only thing he did was pay the bills.

Wu Hao slowly made his way from the first to the second floor. The more he walked, the heavier his footsteps felt. On his way up to the third floor, he leaned against the wall pitifully and squatted on the stairs.

He really did love Nuannuan wholeheartedly, and it was precisely because of his true love for her that he wanted to achieve meteoric success in his career and give her a good life.