Every Page of My Life Is about You (7)

When he leaves this time, he even intends to stay in America permanently… To stay there permanently… And perhaps never even to return to China?

And we'll only be able to chat in the game, and we'll never interact in real life again.

The speed of Xu Wennuan's heartbeat felt heavy all of a sudden. Every beat exhausted a great amount of strength before it could beat again. She could not explain what was wrong, but then her chest felt stuffy and it became difficult to breathe.

Although she still had a lot of work to do, Xu Wennuan was unable to focus. Sitting in her chair, she stared straight ahead into the empty space and went into a daze. She didn't know how long she had spaced out, but she was alarmed when she realized it was already dark outside. She briefly turned her head to look inside her office and reacted again over how engulfed it was in complete darkness.