The Watch That Got Left Behind (2)

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow…"

So soon?

Xu Wennuan could not help but tighten her grip around her glass of water and only managed to calm her heart down after a long time. She tilted her head to one side and, as if Lu Bancheng's departure had nothing to do with herself, she asked as casually as if she simply wanted to find a topic to talk about, "Will you still return here after you've settled down in America?"

With Lu Bancheng's parents already permanently based overseas, his plan was to also take the family business overseas and, at the point, other than Xu Wennuan herself, he had no reason to ever return home again, and he had already decided that he wouldn't.

Lu Bancheng looked down and thought through silently before he gave an honest reply, "If nothing important comes up, I have no reason to return again."

Just as I thought… Tonight will be the last time we will ever meet in this lifetime.