The Watch That Got Left Behind (12)

The kick was powerful, and the man's abdomen was now grossly injured as he writhed in pain on the ground unable to get up for a long time.

Wu Hao had already called the police when he had been on his way there so, without lingering, he bent down to pick up Xu Wennuan before he dashed to the door carrying her; however, after taking three steps, he felt his foot stepping on something. Upon taking a mindless glance, he saw that it was an exquisite men's watch—a top luxury brand that bore an astronomical cost.

Not any random kidnapper could afford this... Maybe this was left behind by the person who saved Xu Wennuan? But where did he go?

Wu Hao turned his head back and took one glance outside the window. He frowned and thought for a moment. Suddenly, as if he suddenly understood something, he bent down and picked up the watch to slip it into his pocket before he quickly carried Xu Wennuan out the door.