Love Comes Softly (8)

After some time, Xu Wennuan said, "I'm a little tired. If there's nothing else—"

Wu Hao knew that she was chasing him away. He also knew that if he wanted to start fresh with her, he should not be overly anxious to succeed. At the very least, she was as resistant toward him as before so, when she was halfway through her sentence, he stood up and said, "Have a good rest then. I'll head off and visit you again tomorrow."

"It's alright. I'm fine," she said, rejecting his offer. "The doctor merely wants me under observation in the hospital for a few days to see how the medication affects me."

Wu Hao nodded his head, said his goodbyes, and left the room. After closing the door, he stood in the corridor and stared out the window at the sky, which had already darkened. After a moment, he raised his hand to reach for his phone in his pocket.