To Go Our Separate Ways Till The End Of The World (18)

Wu Hao slowly lifted his hands to his eyes and looked at his palms as he reminisced about the 10 years that they had spent hand in hand.

I had held onto her so tightly… How did she slip away from me as time went by?

Wu Hao, staring at his palms, suddenly felt as if his entire body was hollowed out. His strength was gone, causing him to stagger off the railing and fall onto the rooftop. He raised his hands and cupped them over his face as his shoulders began to tremble.

That was the girl I loved. I spent my entire youth pursuing her with all that I could. How could I lose her?

Anytime anyone said the name "Wu Hao," it was always following the name "Xu Wennuan." She was mine. How could she have ended up as someone else's now?

On the quiet rooftop in the pitch-black night, the wind bellowed as Wu Hao's thoughts wandered and he began to sob softly.

Nuannuan... Nuannuan...
