She's My Sister-in-Law (4)

When Lin Tiantian called for the waiter to get a third cup of coffee, Su Qing finally lifted her head and said softly into Lin Tiantian's ear, "Tiantian, I'm going to use the restroom."

Lin Tiantian, engaged in her animated conversation with Qin Jiayan, mindlessly nodded her head without otherwise acknowledging Su Qing, who stood up and nodded back at Qin Jiayan before taking her cell phone and leaving.

After closing the stall door in the restroom, Su Qing leaned against it as though she was drained of energy.

She had thought that she would never meet Qin Jiayan again in her life, particularly since she had married an accomplished, smart, and capable man many years ago. Of course, that didn't mean she had never secretly imagined what it would have been like if they had met.

Perhaps we would exchange a look and brush past each other as though we were complete strangers.

Perhaps we would exchange brief words of hello and goodbye at a street corner.