A Tale of Your Ignorance of Her Love for You (2)

By the time Su Qing had put away her reports and looked back up at Qin Jiayan, he had already retracted his gaze and appeared emotionless.

"Jiayan, over here!" Xia Yi smiled and waved her hand when she caught sight of Qin Jiayan.

When Qi Jiayan heard her voice, he quickly contained his emotions, which had been stirred after seeing Su Qing so abruptly. He then walked up to Xia Yi.

Even though Su Qing was standing near Xia Yi and Father Xia, Qin Jiayan did not look at her again, as if she was a stranger. He supported Father Xia as they walked down the stairs one step at a time. He then opened the car door and helped him into the car before opening the passenger door for Xia Yi. After she got into the car, Qin Jiayan bent down and fastened the seat belt for her as he always did before he walked around the car and got in, started the car, and slowly started to drive away.