A Tale of Your Ignorance of Her Love for You (4)

The mall was crowded with families, and a child almost bumped into Qin Jiayan's fiancée. He quickly reacted and reached out his hand to grab her shoulder and pull her into his arms.

After the child ran off, Qin Jiayan tilted his head slightly and looked at the girl in his arms. As Su Qing was far away from them, she couldn't hear what he said to her, but his expression and demeanor appeared to Su Qing to be full of concern for her.

Su Qing remembered that when they had been young, they had taken strolls on the school grounds and whenever a motorcyclist had sped toward them, he had always suddenly reached out his hand to pull her into his arms and shield her with his body.

At that point in time, when she had leaned against his chest and inhaled the scent of sunshine from his body, she had felt as sweet as honey.

But from now on, all the wonderful things that he had done for her would belong to another girl.