A Tale of Your Ignorance of Her Love for You (8)

"She also learned that both you and your sister were going to quit school… And even that your sister had thought about working at a nightclub to earn quick money...

"Oh, I've told you so much already but really nothing about me… I worked at a nightclub when I first arrived in Beijing, so I knew all too well about how shady those places were, and I was close to Su Qing and we both concluded that your sister would never be able to handle such an atmosphere. That night after we talked, Su Qing hugged me and cried for the rest of the night. At daybreak, she suddenly asked me if I could introduce her to a rich man because of my contacts with many of them in Beijing. She said that she was willing to do anything as long as that person gave her money."

Qin Jiayan could guess what was coming next. Afraid of facing it, his hands began to tremble as he held onto his glass of water.