Do You Mean Satan? - Ninth Place

'Dear Satna,' (Do you mean Satan?)

Christmas was in three weeks, and little Gregory was typing out a letter of wishes he hoped to get from Santa this year. Of course, like anyone else, Gregory did not look at the auto-corrected word and just accepted that it was correct.

[Dear Satan,

This year I have been a really good boy. I have finished all of the chores that Mommy and Daddy gave me, and I barely even complained while doing them. I hope that you can help make some of my wishes for Christmas this year come true.

First, I want the new Xbox. All of my friends are always talking about playing these fun games, but I have never been able to play them.

Second, I would like to go to Disney World this year on vacation, instead of the beach like always.

Finally, I wish that my parents would love me more than Brad and Josie.

With Love,


Gregory saved the file and sent the letter on its way.


Three weeks passed by in a flash and it was Christmas Eve. Gregory set out some almond milk and gluten-free cookies so Santa would have an enticing treat when he was there to deliver the presents.

In his excitement, little Gregory decided to go to sleep early so he could wake up early the next day to see what Santa had brought him. Minutes crept by until finally, he was able to go to sleep.

"Gregory, wake up." A voice quietly whispered into Gregory's ear.

"Who, who is it?" Gregory's eyes slowly opened as he searched the room to find the owner of the soft voice.

"I'm not in your room Gregory. I'm in your head. I received your letter and have decided to give you a gift for Christmas." The whisper creepily sounded out in little Gregory's head.

"Santa, is that you? Are you really going to give me a gift?" Gregory was excited.

"Santa… Haha, you can say that. I have been known to give gifts to many people, but for your gift, I'm going to help make you your parents' favorite child."

"Really?!" Gregory was beside himself and could not wait. This was the gift he most longed for.

"Really." Chuckled the voice. "But this is going to be hard work; you will have to do what I tell you to."

"Anything, I'll do anything."


The next morning, the sun was shining, and snow was glistening on the ground. It was the perfect Christmas scene. Downstairs, in the living room, there was a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with an assortment of gifts neatly tucked underneath.

Gregory's mom and dad had gotten up early to wait for the children to come down and open their gifts.

"I think Gregory is really going to like his new Xbox. I wasn't going to get him one, but he has been so good this year, I think he deserves it." Gregory's mom chuckled.

"Yeah, I think we have really outdone ourselves this year on the presents, it will be hard to top next year. It will be unforgettable." Gregory's dad let out a sigh.

"Tink, tink, tink, tink."

Little footsteps could be heard impatiently rushing down the stairs. Gregory's mom and dad smiled at each other, waiting for the surprise on the face of whichever child came down first.

Suddenly, a small figure arrived in front of them. Gregory's excited parents' faces turned from delight to absolute terror in a matter of seconds. In front of them, Gregory was standing with an enormous grin on his face.

There was dried blood in his hair, and his forehead had bloody marks that looked like it had been scratched by someone. His solid white shirt was stained a dark crimson color. Looking down, his parents could see a red-hued chopping knife gripped in his tiny little hands.

"Mom, Dad!" The little butcher suddenly called out. "If I'm the only child, you have to love me the most, Santa told me so."

It was indeed an unforgettable Christmas.