Ninjas were held in high esteem for generations. No single force strong enough to hold against the Ninja clans wrath. The world wars were started for just this reason. World war one was simply a trial phase to see which methods the alliance could use to eliminate the Ninjas. This ended in a total failure only for the powers to gather again for one more try. A second world war was thus born, thousands upon thousands of Ninjas were destroyed by the alliances great flying beasts in the sky raining down explosives and fire that were never seen before yet the Ninja's lived up to their name of the fiercest warriors the world has and perhaps will ever see. Slaughtered in the tens of thousands in merely 6 months the Ninja clans all agreed that throwing away their lives were simply no worth it all but one clan. The alliance with no one to aim their new weaponry at slowly began to turn on one another.
Japan, the sole Ninja clan who did not retreat were ultimately wiped out little after the chaos that ensued. While the remaining Ninja clans managed to seclude themselves to the modern era the Ninja clan that originated from Japan could not. In modern times all that is left of the Japanese Ninja clan are individuals who have found old legacies and created new ones. These self proclaimed Ninja's are the laughing stock of the entire Ninja world especially the leader… Afro Ninja. A sole man whose destiny is to wield nunchucks like no one ever before. Some told him to sit down after countless failures to which he simply responded "I'm fine" and got back up (to fail again).
So just keep this in mind, every country still has Ninjas… just people only know about Japan's because they suck. How i know this you might ask… cuz i am a Japanese Ninja…