El Diablo (12) : How Tastes Your Meat?

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Just as Jon said, there is no better companion than the undead when someone ventures in Oblivion. Not bound by morals or laws, fighting fire with fire is not a bad strategy especially when the enemy is some sort of creature that only manifests in nightmares.

Jon's force consisted of 300 undead creatures was taking showing a grand result in the first showdown with the Kurkurs. The Wraithmen which are heavily armored skeleton withstood the first charge of the Kurkurs and gave the archer Bonemen in the back a chance to shoot arrows at those beasts.

In the front of the army, a hulking bone samurai waved its crude blade and moved nimbly between the enemies in a speed unbefitting to its size. Jon has indeed done a splendid job installing combat techniques into that light-weight pile of bones.

But not only Odokuro was the one who was shining, but there was also a very strong streak of lightning going through the ranks of the Kurkurs. Isha was riding the Storm Atronach Horse that was summoned by the [Spear of Bitter Mercy] and felt she was finally in her natural habitat. The battle maiden that was raised in the warring times between the Crowns and the Forebears of Hammerfell finally got to show her real skill at horsemanship and spearmanship. She was tearing those creatures apart as if they were nothing just with one sting from [Bitter Mercy].

"LALALALALA!" She howled a battle scream and kept rushing towards El Diablo on his chicken mount.

Amidst her rush, an abnormally large Kurkur, with the features of a cock rooster rather than a hen, jumped towards her from the side with its talons seeking to rip her apart. Isha was faced with either gambling and dodging the Rooster Kurkur or losing her charger while blocking it. There was no much time and Isha was about to block but a large black shadow flew over her head and landed on the Rooster Kurkur obliterating it into pieces.

"Not tasty!"

A large black cat appeared on the dead rooster kurkur pressing its head to the ground and mashing it like nothing. Nefertiti then sunk in shadow and appeared somewhere else as the kurkurs started getting smashed under her mighty paws.

Isha couldn't be surprised anymore and only kept a fierce smile and charged forward towards El Diablo.

As soon as she reached her target, a violent clash occurred between her and El Diablo. Jon Battle-Born wasn't focusing on training lately so his skill wasn't like Jon or Wulfur so he would lose to Isha who was on the level of Wulfur but that wasn't the case. Just as Jon predicted, he was possessed by something. By just her intuition, she figured out who was the real El Diablo.

It was the Giant Chicken.

The power of Jon Battle-Born seemed to have increased drastically for his normal level and dragging a long battle would be dangerous for him. Jon started conveying orders to Isha and Nefertiti through Telepathy and the two cooperated in dragging Jon Battle-Born and El Diablo away from the horde of the Kurkurs.

"Odokuro, return."

Odokuro slew the few kurkurs that were surrounding it and dashed towards Jon who finished preparing the spell from one of the Time Magic Tomes he gained from Earil. He kept the spell on hold and moved away from the protection of the undead while being covered by Odokuro.

As soon as Odokuro reached him and both were away from any fighting, Jon put his hand on Odokuro and controlled the undead army through it. First, he broke the defensive formation and turned the battle into chaos then cast a very daring spell.

[Corpse Explosion]

The spell was conveyed through the undead to the corpses of the dead Kurkurs and to the undead themselves.

A large tremor could be felt and the land started to shake.

Not just a single explosion but a series of large explosions of magic energy, kurkur meat and feathers, bone shards and broken weapons, even the dirt, wood and rocks of the forest. Everything around the battlefield turned into a hellish scene.

"… Fuck!"

Even Jon himself didn't see this one coming. His Magicka was strong lately but how strong did he get. He was very focused on meditation without watching his state rising but the sheer density of the Magicka itself was mortifying. He even estimated that the explosion can be heard clearly in New Sheoth.

Putting aside Jon, the ones who were not caught in the explosion who are Isha, Nefertiti, El Diablo and Jon Battle-Born were staring at the explosion and forgot their battle.

"Hooman… awesome! Do it again!"


"… BUCK BAAAAK BUCK BUCK … BaQaaaaaaack!"

El Diablo seemed to have been pained because of the large loss its kin suffered and no longer cared for Isha or Nefertiti, the power of the Giant Chicken was above and beyond any normal beast. Only the Firemane's Grizzly Scar Bears and Frost Dire Wolves would compare to its might. It disobeyed its rider who was going to focus on Isha and Nefertiti and charged madly towards Jon.

"Krilon, watch out." Isha shouted atop of her voice and directed the Storm Atronach Horse she was riding to chase after El Diablo.

Nefertiti sank in shadow and sped through the Shadow World to reach Jon first.

Jon was fully away of what's happening and instead of facing El Diablo, he stored Odokuro on the [Cube] and started to run.

"This way, you stupid chicken."

He kicked the ground towards the large boulder Jon Battle-Born was standing on before the battle and ran with all his speed. He was so fast that the Giant Chicken was struggling to keep up.

Jon reached the Boulder right away and found what he was looking for, the place of the Portal.

Portals from Oblivion to the Mortal World were hard to open especially from Oblivion due to the protection of the Dragon God Akatosh but that was no problem for Jon. He simply could use the [Skeleton Key].

A keyhole formed itself on the place of the portal and…


"Stop making that sound."

Jon shouted at the [Skeleton Key] but the poor object had no power but to take Jon's Magicka and open a portal.

As the Portal opened, it was wormhole towards Mundus rather than a direct gate. Jon did that using the principals of Space Magic and Time Magic to apply his scheme.

El Diablo and Jon Battle-Born reached Jon and only a few meters were between them. Jon was ever so vigilant to his back and just as he was about to get attacked, he teleported behind El Diablo and attacked it with the Thu'um.


A strong wave of raw force pushed El Diablo into the Portal. The two couldn't resist the push fell into the portal.


"Krilon, are you alright."

"Yeah yeah, we don't have enough time. Get ready."

Jon cast the spell he was preparing from the beginning of the battle on the portal.

The portal colors and actions started to change and a great amount of energy came from it.

"What is that?"

"We are not only going to travel through space but through time to." Jon declared with an ecstatic voice.

"Is… is that alright?" Isha was hesitant.

"Well, no one did it before so it should be, right?"

"Tall Papa, save me." She was on the verge of tears but time was up. Jon dragged her and Nefertiti into the portal.



Jon and Isha appeared right outside the place where he left a mark behind the wall of Riverwood. Jon checked with the 'Augur' that couldn't reach him in the Shivering Isles and confirmed the time.


He was excited and started sneaking away towards the mountain across the river without making a single trace of energy leak out.

Isha was following him silently waiting for him to fill her in but she still had a strange feeling.

"Krilon, are you feeling that too?" She asked.

"I know what you are going to tell but don't follow your hunch this time. If you did you may cause a Dragon Break." He said and kept walking silently.

"A Dragon Break?"

"A Time Break to be accurate. Dragon Breaks are when realities collide and all come true at once. Don't worry, when the current situation is over, that feeling will go away."

She didn't understand what was going on but as soon as Jon found a place in the mountain forest to hide in, he looked back at Riverwood and pointed.

"Look towards the place of the prison cell where the Oblivion Rift was." He said.

Isha looked towards it and focused her eyes. For a strong warrior like her, it was no problem to see this far.

"What am I looking for?" She asked.

"Wait for it… here it comes."

Jon made sure to block the sounds around them in case Isha freaked out and…


She did freak out.

"Hehehe! Awesome… man, I look so cool from afar."

Jon and Isha were watching something that did not happen in fairy tales itself.

Just over there in the village, there were two versions of themselves sneaking into the prison cell of Riverwood. The two versions seemed to be focusing on each other and didn't notice Jon and Isha.

About a minute later, the two versions opened the Oblivion Rift and traveled through it.

"Okay. It is done now."

"Wait! What was that?" Isha shouted.

Jon smiled under the mask. There was no problem in her causing a ruckus now.

"We traveled back to Mundus not just by space but by time. We came a few minutes earlier to when we left."

"WHAT! How is that even possible?"

"The answer is the simplest of them all… It just works." Jon made a particular tone while answering the question.

"Don't 'just works me', explain it! Was that us?"

"Yep, the genuine very us from the past. I couldn't exactly tell what time we should arrive on but I didn't miss too much. Remember when you arrived in Oblivion one day before me?"

"… Yes."

"It was then when I realized that time travel is possible. Jon my friend didn't miss his wedding after all this madness. Ahahaha! Aren't I just awesome?"

"… Fuck!"

Isha was at a loss of what to do or say.

She promised herself she would be cool around Jon and not get surprised like an idiot but that one completely got her.

"The only reason we couldn't meet our versions was because of an event known as the 'Dragon Break', it is when the time of the world gets injured and the Dragon God become forced to put back all the realities together. If we met them, there will be two Krilon and two Isha's. Understand now?"

"I see."

"Actually, we are not done yet. El Diablo should be traveling through the portal here. I delayed their arrival but I can summon them now are. You ready?"

"… I am finishing this Labour and will never see you again? Right?"



"… Maybe the two past versions of us return as two mad villains that want to haunt us and take our places so we should, you know, just in case..."


"Okay! Just kidding… just kidding."

Jon shook his head and cast a spell towards empty space and a portal appeared, he then cast a few others spells and used the [Skeleton Key] to make the last touches.

"Here it comes."

Jon put back all the tools spells he had and took out [Bloodskall] waiting for the arrival of El Diablo and Jon Battle-Born.

The portal moved chaotically and a large figure jumped out of it.

El Diablo and Jon Battle-Born fell on the ground, Jon and Isha looked down at them and smiled.

"How tastes your meat, Diablo?"


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