Dragonborn Call

A/n: I was out for a while now. Married life ain't easy people. Either way, that's not all what's going on. I've taken up this project to create a simple Table-Top RPG in Arabic and English. It is like a mix of D&D, Maze Rats, and some other good games but I am facing trouble designing an innovative magic system like that of Ars Magica but on a simpler scale that fits a 2D6 System. If you know any suggestions, please point me out.


It may not be that known before but since this day, the method of calling the Dragonborn was announced to the public.

It is actually a no-brainer question to ask about how to summon the Dragonborn. It is so simple to the point where one just has to call his name and he'll come.

Haven't the Greybeards done that as well a few months ago and the whole Skyrim heard them?

Just call for him, Alina said. It works as it seems but to actually "call" for him, to use the Thu'um, that's where the Imperials noticed how the Nords played them.

The power of the Voice is rare among those Nords let alone the Imperials who probably don't have a single Voice Master, to begin with.

Anyone and anything that was sleeping in Solitude this morning was profoundly wide awake and screaming even. Those who were wide awake were running around like headless chickens from the terror they heard.

One of the last times the Thu'um was used in Solitude was when Ulfric Stormcloak killed High King Torygg and it is but a recent memory. It was clear how disturbed and traumatized Jarl Elisif was when she heard it echo all over her city.

But aside from all the bewildered reactions, the group nearest to Alina felt something approaching towards them. Most of them weren't even Mages or Warriors but they all just felt it.

Hums, strong hums, as if a group of men was humming together at the start of a war song.

The hums kept getting louder and louder and then a child looked up and spotted something in the sky.

"Ma! What's that?" As he asked his mother, she looked up and so did the people around her.

The scene shifts to a man falling from the sky and the sounds around him were getting stronger and stronger. (Insert Skyrim Intro Theme). Something about it was so intimidating yet so satisfying at the same time.

"He's falling down!" One of the crowd spoke with an ashen expression as they expected a messy scene to unfold and on that note, many started to stay clear from the main yard of Castle Dour.

"By the Gods! Someone do something! Bring the Mages." General Tullius shouted but then he immediately remembered Alina, who is famed to be a Mage, and looked at her wanting to say something.

"He's fine." However, she seemed totally okay with the scene she was seeing.

Eventually, the deep humming turned into strong music which pumped the atmosphere with manliness and mysterious power along with orchestral music.

The man falling from the sky was descending at an incredible speed that friction started to form flames around him and his momentum only got stronger with the music intensifying between epicness and even more epicness with a sprinkle of extra badassism.

Almost the whole city saw the man coming from the sky with a trail of fire and he seemed in total control of his fall, aiming himself right to the center of the castle, and with a booming noise, a cloud of dust rose.

The light of the sun was angled to shed its light on the newcomer and his silhouette manifested a few feet above the ground.

The dust settled as well as the music and the man wearing the iconic horned helm finally appeared to the public eye, standing on a boulder rather than in a crater from his fall, yet no one was sure if there was a boulder of this size in the castle's yard before.

The stage was set in the most cinematic of ways as the Dragonborn made his official debut with the Imperial forces in present opening his way through the amazed and horrified crowd that was gathered to witness the purification of the Godly Artifact.

The man descended the boulder with smoke rising from his skin and armor which looked rather rustic and old as if made of "Studded" and poor material. Still, it kinda felt iconic.

"Who in Mara's name are you?" General Tullius was surely irritated by the show yet he could take a guess of who he was facing.

"I am Dovahkiin." Replied the Dragonborn in his hoarse voice.

"I suppose that means Dragonborn." General Tullius eyed the man up and down.

Tall, long brown hair, light beard, blue eyes, Nordic accent. If it is not the most Nordic specimen ever!

"I am first ranked General Tullius of the Imperial Authority of Cyrodiil. I would say it is a pleasure but the way you came into my castle just now is unofficial and…" General Tullius started speaking in a haughty Imperial tone but the Dragonborn cut him right away.

"Firstly, whenever I am called, I consider myself invited unless you were calling to waste my time with your Imperial nonsense." The Dragonborn talked in the most imposing of tones and continued, "Secondly, we had the pleasure of our first meeting months ago, General."

Whether it is the fact the Dragonborn was hostile to the General or the fact that they met before were enough reasons for someone to demean the Imperial Authority this way, the crowd started to think that the Dragonborn has a hostile stance towards the whole Imperial regime which makes a problem between him and everyone present in this place at the moment.

While the General felt the same thing, he was more curious about what did the Dragonborn mean when he said that they met once before.

"Enlighten me and speak of the first time we met." The General said, trying to pin down any interesting event in his mind.

"Helgen." The Dragonborn said, causing everyone including the General to instantly hold their breath, "The executioner's block." The Dragonborn added as he took a step closer to the general and continued while touching his own neck, "Right when the Dragon attacked."

This was one of the biggest WTF moments in the entire history of the Empire. Who would have ever guessed that the man who is supposed to be the Hero of Skyrim and all Nords and Humans was just a second away from being beheaded by the Empire who is trying to reel him in with favors?

The General was looked upon by various gazes of anger and gloating especially from Solitude's Court, who seized the opportunity right away.

"Then I'm sure the Empire is willing to make amends for such a mistake. It is inadvisable to have grudges at the start of a relationship between Skyrim's Hero and the Imperial Legion." Thane Bryling immediately butted in, then looked at Jarl Elisif, "I am sure the Jarl of Solitude agrees."

Elisif was caught a little bit off guard by her retainer's actions especially when she was a bit absent-minded but she nodded immediately.

"Sure, of course…"

While she was about to recollect her thoughts and say something, General Tullius interrupted her.

"I'm sure whatever criminal record our friend here has, we can simply scratch the records and call it a day." The General recovered from the surprise of the fact that he ordered the Dragonborn's death once and imposingly made an offer to scratch the Criminal Record of the said Hero.

"If you were insinuating I was some sort of Stormcloak affiliate, I'd hate to break it to you but you Imperial lot has caught every single creature who walks on two that day. I assume you hate loose ends." The Dragonborn reversed the claims of him being a Stormcloak before it was even based on the fact of him being in Helgen.

"Then I am sure whatever wrong you have done is forgivable." The General still tried to find fault in the Dragonborn's background.

"Just crossed the borders from Cyrodiil." The Dragonborn replied.

"The borders were closed, of course we find it illegal to cross the borders secretly." The General played the closed borders card without care.

"Banning Nords from entering their motherland? Bold claims, Imperial!" The Dragonborn, however, played the race card.

Alright, that's a pain in the ass! The General rolled his eyes not accepting to give advantage to his opponent who played the card which even the Empire loyalist Nords can't refute against.

"If the gentlemen are done greeting each other, I suggest we get down to the matters of the Gods and not keep them waiting." On the other hand, the much delighted Alina started evolving the scene in a different direction.

"Lady Dare." The Dragonborn looked towards Alina and spoke in that made-up hoarse tone he's been assuming this entire time.

"Dovahkiin. May the winds of Kyne carry you with haste and grace." Alina greeted him back.

"I assume you didn't call me here to bond with the Empire's advocates and sleazy politicians. My deal with Thane Jon was that I handle the Dragons and he handles the politics." The Dragonborn spoke to Alina in clear annoyance.

"Surely." Alina smiled without care, "This is but a simple gathering to pass an important Artifact onto your honorable person and the Empire is the rightful owner of it thus on the behest of the Imperial Authority, General Tullius has struck a deal to lend the Holy Armor of Kyne's Son to you." Alina replied.

"I suppose I have to dabble in the official business this time." The Dragonborn replied, "While currently I am tracing a Dragon south in the Reach, I hope this ceremony or whatever gets over with." He said.

Alina nodded before turning to the crowd around her.

"If the Lords and Ladies, after the permission of the General, are all willing to continue with the ceremony, please return back to the Temple where the armor lies waiting." Alina said found no opposition even from General Tullius who walked in the Temple before all else.

Meanwhile, Jon and Alina exchanged a cunning look towards each other. So far, their little plan is going too damn well.

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[Patre0n latest chapter: 620]