With suspicion, Giselle welcomed the hero into her chambers. The guards were again dismissed, and she closed the door to her chambers shut.

"Hello, Hero. My name is Giselle vi Acadria. The seventh princess of the kingdom. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

While speaking, Giselle seemed to have activated something in her eyes as Clay sensed the movement of energy.

"Must be magic."

He suspected. However, since it was not directed to harm him, he ignored it and simply stared at her calmly. They were seated between a round coffee table inside Giselle's room. Giselle had already prepared tea for them to drink and cookies she ordered the chef to prepare beforehand. Seeing as Clay had no intention to speak, Giselle poured him a drink and whispered softly.

"I heard you speak our language earlier. Why are you acting as if you don't know our language?"

Looking at Clay who showed no reaction to that, Giselle was convinced.

"He understands us perfectly."

Sitting back down, Giselle sat straight and seriously addressed Clay.

"It seems, you have already found out regarding the Chancellor's scheme concerning you. Please, do not be alarmed. I am not of the same mind as the Chancellor. I don't know how I can gain your trust but please give me a chance."

"Then stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want, princess. I don't like being plotted to be deceived above all since I cannot be deceived. Tell me what you want from me, and I will tell you what I want from you. Let's openly use each other. We can't be friends. Not now. I don't trust anyone in this castle. I won't trust you, believe you, nor let my guard down around you. So, speak freely."

Giselle was truly surprised. Clay was speaking fluently as if he was a native speaker of the language. And that was not all, he even used uncommon words that only of the royals or nobles use. Even idioms can be used!

"Amazing. Is this the power of a summoned being?"

"Stop. Get to the point."

"Ah! Yes, so your name is Clay and as recorded, your initial level would be level 1. However, your profession will be listed as Hero, and you even have a sub-profession."

Clay was not surprised this time. He knew something was up when her eyes had traces of energy usage in them.

"So, she must have used Analyze or something."

With Giselle revealing her hand, Clay just sipped on the tea without worry. He waited for her to finish.

"It is written in the records of us royals that heroes are given powers by the gods as they enter this world. This is true, looking at you. I also know that you will experience such growth that surpasses the norm sooner or later, you will become powerful enough. The only thing that can kill you would be aging."

"So, it is. What do you want?"

"I… I simply want your help in uncovering the culprit behind my father's sickness. And exact my vengeance upon them."

"Using me as your dagger?"


Clay relaxed even more because of how simple her request was. There were various ways he could accomplish this. He would start with the Chancellor. He was the most suspicious. And he held a grudge against the Chancellor for insulting him and trying to enslave him. So, even if he wasn't the mastermind, he would still make his life miserable.

"That's easy. Well then, once I have done what you asked. You will also do what I ask."


"Certainly. Then, I want you."

"You want… me?"

"Yes, you. I want you for myself. After I do what you asked, I want you to be mine."

"This… is too much!"

"Hm. Is that so? Then the life of your father, the king, isn't that precious to you?"

"A life for a life, huh? It's fair… B-But!"

"Well, you can decide after a night. I'll sleep here. Good night."

Clay stood up and left the table. He found the bed and immediately hopped onto it. He closed his eyes and slept. This was his first time truly sleeping, not fainting!

Meanwhile, at the dungeons. The female servant was whipped for a total of 100 times. She was exhausted from her screams and her body was riddled with lashes. However, hope was within her sight as she heard footsteps nearing. And these measured steps were familiar to her. It must be my lord!

"My lord, please, release me from this humiliation!"

Soon, the owner of the footsteps showed himself. It was the Chancellor. He was disguised. He covered his head with a hood and came forward. He asked the servant girl a question.

"Did the hero get received by the princess? He is inside her room?"

The servant girl with hope in her eyes answered enthusiastically.

"Yes, lord! She was received by the princess! Of course, he was! I have done what you asked perfectly, my lord!"

"Good! You can go to the secret garden and there receive your reward. Be careful from now on."

"Yes, lord! Thank you, lord!"

At midnight, the servant girl was released, and she went to the secret location that the Chancellor instructed her to go to and there, she was never found again after. She had received her just desserts. The Chancellor had heard why she was whipped, she even called the princess a 'bitch' which was lese-majesty, he was one of the people who valued their nobility to a great, and dangerous fault. 

"Gather the men! We shall arrest the summoned hero for laying his hands on the princess and even staying in her chambers to defile her! Protect the princess! Protect Acadria!"


The men he recruited were mercenaries he disguised as kingdom soldiers and served as his personal security. In truth they were mercenaries that did anything for money. And as such, only money motivated them to move. And money, was not a problem for the Chancellor. At the break of dawn, they surrounded the princess' chambers and prepared to arrest the summoned hero. The servants were cleared, innocents were barred from coming over. Other officials were fencers as well. After all, anything concerning the seventh princess was some sort of allergen to them.

Clay was still sleeping soundly. It was his first sleep in a while after all. However, Clay's sleep was mightily disrupted by the loud bang on the door as metallic footsteps followed. Then the unsheathing of blades. His sense of hearing was bombarded with too much noise that he woke up in a rather irritable manner. 

"What the hell's going on?! Someone's sleeping here!"

"For defiling the seventh princess, Giselle vi Acadria's chastity with your filthy hands, you are under arrest!"

"You don't even know my name and you're arresting me?"

Clay was speaking in English. He was still acting all the way. Although he seemed fine, in fact, he really was irritated by the disruption to his deep sleep. It awoke in him memories he wanted to forget. And as such, as soon as the soldiers tried to push towards him with their weapons, Clay released such bloodlust that covered the entire castle with breathtaking pressure. The world suddenly turned silent. Even breathing couldn't be heard. That's right because no one could breathe in such an environment. No one was spared. Everyone inside the castle, including the city surrounding it. No one.

"P-Please! Quell your anger!"

Only Giselle was able to barely stand up and speak around him. Unconsciously, Clay had spared her his full wrath because of prior engagement. Hearing her, Clay quelled his anger and reigned his bloodlust.

[Overpower Lv.1 > Lv.5]

"Hm? Overpower. A skill that can positively encourage allies or affect enemies negatively? This should be useful."

The effects of that few seconds of pressure had endangered quite a few million citizens in the capital city, Acadrisis. The Castle of Acadria quite frankly is a city-state comparable to the olden kingdoms of Earth. They have a capital, but regions that are annexed or made into vassals become secondary cities or territories. Acadria is like this. And the capital of Acadria, Acadrisis has a population of more than a few million. The Acadrian Royal Castle is divided into quite a few central buildings.

"T-Thank you! (I pray my father is safe!)"

Giselle expressed her thanks as she glared at the soldiers and a few knights that took charge of this arrest. Behind them was the Chancellor who was no exception in becoming prey to the pressure emitted by Clay. Indignant for the way he looked currently, as the princess glared at him also before going over to check on the king, he felt even more fury because of the humiliation.

"Men! Arrest that man! That man is a criminal worthy of death! Arrest him!"

Seeing as the Chancellor has lost his mind, Clay used Overpower in a rather controlled manner this time. He selected just the soldiers, knights, lady servants, and the Chancellor as targets for Overpower's effect.

Plop. Plop. Plop. Plop!

Instantly, they were pushed to the ground without any hope to move. The Chancellor woke up from his fury after this episode of fearful display of power from Clay. However, he was unable to speak. In fact, he was the one who was receiving 99% of Overpower's effects and the rest just measly 1%. However, even that 1% was plenty enough to keep them down. Especially after the skill leveled up.

[Overpower Lv.5 > Lv.MAX]

With newfound control over the skill, Clay could choose who and to what extent his Overpower skill was effective.


Giselle neared the bed as she saw the coughing king, who had only now recovered from the oppressing feeling suddenly exerted upon the whole kingdom by Clay.

"Giselle, why are you here?"

"Your majesty! Are you hurt? How are you feeling?"

"Did you also feel that pressure earlier?"

"Yes, your majesty! It was the summoned one."

"The summoned one? Who dared to summon a being from another world this time?!"

"It was the Chancellor, Duke Aron von Dyruth."

"So it was that Aron bastard. He had always been a torn in my side!"

"Your majesty! He summoned a hero intending to enslave him!"

"Preposterous! Enslaving a hero can only work at lower levels. Once they level up enough, the enslavement would break, and we will be destroyed. What a preposterous thing to do. Just now, don't tell me…?!"

"Yes, your majesty. That was the hero. He enveloped the entire capital with that deadly pressure because the Chancellor tried to pin a crime on him as a last resort."

"This…! What a great sin!"

Such news strained the king's health even more than previously. He clutched at his chest and started to cough harder until blood came out. Clay had been observing this room from the start.

"So that's the king. I guess it's true that he was schemed against. I wonder who the real mastermind is. Shall I ask the Chancellor?"

The pressure that the Chancellor and the rest felt never disappeared. Aron was on the verge of death as he was the primary recipient of Clay's Overpower. Soon, he fainted even though he fought hard with his willpower to not lose consciousness. He knew the consequences of it happening.

"I don't want to get caught!"

Such was his thoughts. Clay collected the Chancellor, went towards the king's chamber, and knocked once. Immediately, the door opened and the princes, Giselle, saw Clay carrying the Chancellor on his shoulder. Then, he threw a piece of paper to Giselle.

"Find me those herbs and prepare the tools I've listed. I'll get your father back to good health."


"It's for your father. Quick. I don't think he'll make it till morning if he is not cured now. Go!"


"You, there! Take this bastardy Chancellor and interrogate him for information."


"Come on, man. I don't have all day. Just show yourself. I know you're there!"


"Your breathing technique is exquisite. You wouldn't be found if not for my superior senses. Anyhow, come take this guy. Torturing him, I mean, interrogating him is top priority."

"Sunshine, go assist him."

"Yes, your majesty."

Seeing as Sunshine, the man hidden in the shadows, moving to take the Chancellor away, Clay felt a release of excess emotion. He was annoyed earlier, and this turned to frustration and in turn became anger. This all happened in a flash. He could now breathe better.

[Gracius vi Acadria]

[Profession: Sword Knight Lv.80]

[Sub-Profession: Archer Lv.56]

[Class: Royalty]

[Title: King]





[Condition: Critically Poisoned | Death Imminent]

The king's condition was certain in his eyes. Clay was worried they won't make it. He could zoom in on that 'Condition' and see how long the king had. Truth was, he only had 27 hours to live if not resolved in time. Soon, Giselle returned with a few trusted knights of the kingdom who stopped at the door before returning. The ingredients were put in containers fit for their preservation.

"It's here, Sir Clay!"

"Stop it with the 'sir'. Just call me Clay."

Clay examined the ingredients, and he immediately knew what they were and how they were used, and techniques to utilize them to their maximum capacity.

"Good. I can start now. Close the door and don't let anyone disturb me."


Soon, Clay concocted a portion of the highest quality grade.

"This is a detoxifying potion. Just drink it. You'll feel better at once. But before you drink it, your majesty, I want you to promise me one thing."

"W-What is it?"

"I want you to…"

"You want me to?"

"I want you to declare me innocent and free to come and go wherever in the kingdom. I deserve at least this much, right?"

"Yes… I guess you do (regrettably)."

The king was feeling depressed because of what happened without his knowledge. If he had been the one to do the summoning and treated the hero as he should have properly, he would not have reacted like this wishing for freedom and basically indifferent about the kingdom's affairs.

"Good. Go ahead and drink that thing. I'll stay in Giselle's room until everything's done on your side."

Clay did not wait for them to answer and simply left. Having the strength that he had and the skills he was acquiring easily like popping candies, he felt that life in this world should be enjoyed.

As soon as he left, the king drank the potion and immediately, the king's poison and all other impurities within himself, were gathered and formed an energy ball in his lower abdomen below the navel, this was a place called a dantian. Gracius vi Acadria visibly turned pinkish, his skin glowed like that of a baby's and his cheeks became full. His muscles regenerated and his nerves reconnected. Giselle's mouth who saw this process was agape. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her father, who had become emaciated was regressing to the peak of his youth from this one potion created by Clay! This was simply miraculous!

"Ahh! This is… this is too comfortable!"

"Your majesty! You… You've become your young self again!"


"Yes! Try looking at yourself in the mirror!"

Giselle pointed towards the mirror inside the king's chambers, and he bounced up, healthily, to examine himself.

"It's true! It's true! I am again young! I can further serve our people without holding anything back!"

"Congratulations, father!"

"…You, you've barely called me that since you came of age. My daughter, you have grown. Come here!"


The two, as if they only met for the first time in such a long time enjoyed their victory over the schemes of trusted people. It was a sort of reunion for them. Clay who had caused this, was simply laid out on the bed with crossed legs.

"Well, that's good for them."

He smiled as he stared into the air. In fact, he was looking at Giselle's status.

[Giselle vi Acadria]

[Profession: Mage Lv.34]

[Sub-Profession: Spatial Witch Lv.9]

[Class: Royalty]

[Title: Princess]

[Attributes – STR: 15 | DEX: 20 | INT: 44]

[Skill(s) – Common Language Lv.8 | Magic Attunement Lv.9 | Magic Weaving Lv.7 | Etiquette Lv.MAX | Concealment Lv.5 | Analyze Lv.7 | Unarmed Combat Lv.3]

[Talent(s) – Magic Sensing Lv.5]

[Blessing(s) – Status Lv.3]

[Condition: Excitement]