The Demon Empire was an empire that span the great northern part of the continent separated only by the Impassable Mountain Range. The border officially recognized by humans and the demons was a forest called Forest of Death located at the foot of Mount Moribor. It was inhabited by high level monsters and ferocious beasts at level 80-99. If they were assigned a letter for comparison to the combat strength between the two, then the level 80-99 monsters were equivalent to S-Class. Below the S-Class, there were officially A-Class, B-Class, C-Class, D-Class, and E-Class. 

F-Classes were the literal weakest monsters which couldn't be found in the Forest of Death. In the forest, only S-Class were its inhabitants. The Demon Empire had signed a non-aggression pact with the humans of the central continent and sent an envoy who represented the empire's stance in their unstable pact.

And now, because of the matter of summoning a hero without prior cause nor reason, just the fact that it succeeded, put the human race in a precarious position. Heroes were combat potential that could flip the tide of wars in Alleucanth since time immemorial and through centuries of relative peace, the races in Alleucanth including the humans sealed the summoning of heroes.

Demons, Beastfolk, Dragonborn, Elves, Dwarves, and Humans. These were the races that formed a tacit agreement to not summon heroes without just cause and reason. 

Now, Acadria, whether through scheme or not, had successfully summoned a hero thereby breaking this centuries old agreement. The demon empire ambassador stationed in Acadria had long escaped and returned to the empire. Aron von Dyruth's usefulness had already served their cause and so he was left in a rut alone.

In fact, Gracius vi Acadria was unaware of this agreement between races since he was merely a kingdom royalty with a short history in Alleucanth. Only empire-level nations knew of this agreement. Much less, Clay who was new around here. His plan was to wait for the empire to attack after the king was announced dead. On the surface this was a great plan, however, looking at the bigger picture, just his existence alone gave the other races pretext to fully deploy any and all means to destroy either the Hero, since he was still low-leveled, or the human empire and kingdoms, enslaving them forever. An outcome that could cost the Human God who summoned Clay, greatly. 

In fact after the ambassador escaped, he used all methods he could to spread the matter of the summoning succeeding to stir the discord among the races.

Demon Empire, Imperial Capital, Throst, Imperial Palace.

The big-wigs of the demon race were gathered for the first time in centuries. Here, the aura of high-leveled individuals permeated the hall. This hall was used for council meetings between the cadres. Seated above them, elevated by a platform was the Demon Empress, Jacqueline. Having a bigger fist was valued more in the empire than bloodline or even nobility. If you are weak, that itself is sin and worthy of being trampled on by others. There was no salvation for the weak for allowing themselves to stay weak. This was the prevailing truth within the empire. Man, woman, child, or even elders, if you have the strength, you can enjoy privileges of freedom, power, and wealth.

Jacqueline was such. She was only 21-years-old by human standards of age, but she was already hailed as the empress of the empire because of her overwhelming strength proven when she was able to usurp the throne from her father the previous emperor in open, public combat.

She was known to be ruthless and incredibly beautiful, giving others the motivation to name her, Frozen Throne—Jacqueline.

"Your majesty, a hero has been confirmed by the ambassador to have been summoned in the central continent's human kingdom called, Acadria."

Hearing this news, Jacqueline's face remained expressionless. She questioned the authenticity of this news.

"A hero? Did our ambassador perhaps succeed with our 10-year-plan?"

"Yes, your majesty! We have succeeded and now, our troops are already gathered and rearing to charge towards the human continent to 'exact' this international crime!"

Without missing a beat, one of the demon cadres stood up and yelled out his answer.

"Is that so? And, have you assessed this hero's level and strength?"

Facing her questioning, the demon cadre was mum. He had no answer to that. Although they knew generally speaking that any hero, whether from the human camp, or the other racial camps would absolutely start at Level 1, they knew for certain that combat power couldn't be measured by the Level alone. After all, Levels were merely quantification of the existential and experiential level of any life form. It doesn't even need to be sentient to have levels. Everything in Alleucanth had levels, even herbs had levels.

"I see. We know nothing and yet we want to go ahead and 'charge', as you say, towards the central continent so that we can gain the most from them? All according to our great 10-year-plan, am I right?"

"Y-Yes, your majesty!"

"See, this is why I killed the previous emperor, my own blood and flesh, my father. He was foolish enough to think that 'charging ahead' without any plan and contingencies would give the best result for our demon kind. Well, was he right?"

She continued to ask, not only the eager cadre, but all of them present here. They numbered almost a hundred inside this hall. And there was only silence after this was asked.

They all knew that the previous king was indeed as the empress described. He endangered countless fighting force on almost-suicide missions where victory could have been achieved with minimal losses had he planned well.

Most of the elder demons here also had such a mindset. As long as the victory condition was achieved they did not care about the losses. The weak were prey after all. If you died, you died because you are weak.

"I will not be so. To waste fighting power in exchange for small advantages is not my style. If you follow me, then follow my style. If not, die!"

Frozen Throne—Jacqueline released her aura and killing intent which made the entire room reach negative temperatures rapidly. This reminded the cadres present that their present empress wasn't someone to be trifled with. She was ruthless enough to kill even her father for the sake of victory for the race!

"We will follow your majesty!"


She sat upright and began giving orders to the demon cadres.

"Send the reserve legion to the frontlines and 'charge' all you want. Equip them with all the useless but shiny military equipment to fool our enemies. I want to see how strong the enemy truly is before sending our real forces. Understood?"

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

The meeting ended while Jacqueline stayed behind after the cadres left the hall.

"Sigh. Father, what did you leave me behind with."

With a slight movement, she disappeared from the throne and the hall returned to silence.

An hour later, a shadow moved within the hall. A sigh could also be heard and a man showed his face. It was Sunshine.

"As we suspected, everything isn't as simple as they appear. I have to warn his majesty and the Lord, Clay."

With a slight movement, Sunshine disappeared from the room. Leaving no trace behind.

A few seconds after he disappeared, the empress, Jacqueline reappeared inside the hall and stood where Sunshine disappeared at.

"How troublesome."

Central Continent, Northeastern Borders. Border Kingdom, Acadria. Royal Capital Acadrisis, Royal Palace.

Clay was reading on the history of the Human Continent, Heroes, and the rest of the races. The conflicts, and the grudges between them.

"It really is as the god said, the six gods are competing to become the prime god of the world. And they are doing this through a competition between six races they sponsor. To the gods, centuries and even millennia are but an instant and so these conflicts have been waged since time immemorial in Alleucanth."

Clay read through the books in mere seconds with his physical and mental speed. Soon, he understood the gist and the trouble the humans were facing now that he was here, summoned, without prior cause nor justifiable reason.

"Damn. How troublesome."

Clay examined and peered deeper into himself to finally catch a glimpse of his soul and what was 'inside.'

[Divine Sight Lv.5>Lv.MAX]


[Profession: Hero Lv.1]

[Sub-Profession: Alchemy Master Lv.1]

[Class: Dimensional Traveler]

[Title: Hero | Summoned One]

[Attributes – STR: 99 | DEX: 99 | INT: 99]

[Skill(s) – Language Acquisition Lv.MAX | Common Language Lv.MAX | Divine Sight Lv.MAX | Overpower Lv.MAX]


[Blessing(s) – Status Lv.MAX]

[Condition: Optimal]

Clay saw that even with Divine Sight at MAX level, it was still unable to peer deep into his soul as well.

"Just what kind of skill would one need to peer into the soul that even a god was unable to do so? Or is it that immensely powerful being, Imhoteph just doesn't allow mine to be seen easily?"

There were two possibilities that Clay considered and either of them could be correct, but he had no way of confirming them such that he decided to simply wait for that time to come when he would become able to do so. After all…

"I'm still Level 1. I've got a long way to go."

Knock. Knock.

He was staring into the void when a knock on the door to his chamber arranged by the king sounded.

"My Lord, the king requests your presence in the courtyard. Please allow me to escort you."

The voice of an attendant let Clay know that he was being summoned by the king, Gracius.

"Maybe Giselle is there as well."

These days, Clay was thinking mostly with his lower parts and kept Giselle in his mind. As a healthy young man, he was highly active mentally and physically it was quite normal to desire intimacy with the opposite sex especially when they were as attractive Giselle. Right now though, Clay really couldn't be anything desirable for any normal ladies.

At the height of 2.9 meters with hulking muscles. Biceps that were twice the size of the average human male, much less a female. It would take insanity and a lethal dose of aphrodisiac to make any lady desire any intimate contact with him. 

And Clay knew too that he was hulking. He knew and yet he couldn't release his transformed state right now because he couldn't trust anyone with his life. Being in this state of transformation was his safety mechanism.


Clay opened the door and followed the attendant to where the courtyard Gracius was in. When they arrived, Clay saw the courtyard and was amazed by the exquisite look of the garden surrounding the belvedere at the center of this courtyard.

"Wow. Such a good sight."

"It's flattering to hear the Lord praise this courtyard. It makes us, attendants and fellow servants who worked on it previously satisfied. Thank you, my Lord."

Clay noted the attendant who thanked him. He checked his information and knew that his name was Mills.

"No, I should thank you for your efforts in bringing this courtyard to life with your hard work. Of course, it also goes to those who worked with you on this."


Mills blushed a little but he kept his cool, albeit with a struggle. Clay found Gracius sipping what he could only assume to be tea beneath the shade of the roofed belvedere. As he approached, so too did the later notice him being brought by Mills.

 "Lord Clay, over here!" he called out.

 "I'm coming, king. Nice place you got here, let me guess, it was your wife who architected this place. Yeah?"

The place turned silent at the mention of his wife. Everyone here knows that when the queen died, Gracius was never the same again, not until he met Giselle's mother. Giselle's pink hair and ultra-looks were inherited from obviously her mother. She was an incredibly gorgeous woman who had to hide her face from others, being a commoner, it was a sin to look gorgeous, more than the noble ladies. And in a community where security wasn't assured, kidnapping and rape, and prostitution would be where women like her would end up. 

As fate had it, she had once been targeted by an unsavory bunch from the market and in the nick of time, she was saved by the King and his men going incognito to check-in on the townspeople of capital city. From there, captivated by her beauty, Gracius wooed her, and she gave in eventually. They had Giselle. That was until she died from a disease, they knew not the cure of and not even magic could heal. Some speculated it was a curse, but the physicians and healers confirmed and insisted that it was a sickness that they have yet to explore.

Furious, Gracius once called for witch hunts himself, to no avail. What were witches? They were elusive, more elusive that even wizards and mages. And they knew how to hide very well. Just like his beloved Giselle.

 "I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me." 

Clay sincerely apologized. However, even as he did sincerely apologize, since his eyes were of the golden, lion-like hue that was glaring without intending to be intimidating, the apology seemed forced. Plus, with his large build, it was even less convincing.

"No, my Lord. It's okay. I already called Giselle as well. I need to report what Sunshine and his covert squad has uncovered while they carefully infiltrated the empire."

"Oh! So, is it good news?"

"I'm afraid it is not. It is as we feared. You may not know yet, but…"

"No need to speak further. I've also read the book on heroes and why summoning one is a problem. Especially for your small country."

"My Lord, we don't mean to be pointing our fingers, but the truth is that even without your presence in Acadria, the fact that we did succeed with the summoning and that you were truly summoned within Acadria's soil, that impeccably implicates the kingdom. There is no escape from this fact. And it is already widespread. Even the imperial court already knows about this. That's how fast word travels around here."

When Clay heard Gracius' bitterness as he said, "that's how fast word travels around here…" Clay almost snickered and laugh his ass off. This was fast? Then I fear for what is ultrafast! Clay thought secretly.

"I understand. However, we are also prepared for their movements are we not? If not, I can try facing a whole legion myself without any help."

"That's of course, without question! We will help you and support you of course, my Lord! Since it has already come to this, we shall fight to the last man, if need be!"

"Thank you, king. I promise, I won't disappoint."

After all, Clay promised that he'd give an empire to the king as a dowry for Giselle's hand in marriage. If he can't deliver, then Giselle would slip away from him. That was an outcome he did not want to see. So, Clay worked hard to prepare for the upcoming war which was coming half a month later when the imperial army successfully enters Acadria's territory.