Operation Human Tribulation was a huge success. Through the leadership of Sunshine and his shadow guards, the other five races' leadership and governance was steadily destabilized. After replacing assassinated leaders one after another, it seemed the operation worked too well. It achieved the main objective, but it also triggered an 'immuno-response' that was not desired for the time being. The other races suddenly issued a challenge to Clay in open combat, showing their desperate attempt to at least expedite the elimination of this future threat.

The announcement was released throughout the known world. The open combat would be held in an airspace and land area that's bordered by the human continent and the beastman lands. It was announced to happen in 3 months' time. Of course, that was ample time for Clay to prepare, but they released no replies to the public provocation at all. A wise move from the king, Gracius. Why expose themselves in the open when they could secretly further their plans amidst the chaos possibly stirred by their hidden actions?

"They want to challenge me after 3 months? I'm afraid just these guys would be a match for them at that time!"

Clay was looking at the 'training' the hundred-man company of survivors that opted to become his assistants and subordinates. It was as if they were willing to throw their lives for the sake of helping Clay further his goals. It was puzzling to Clay but he never asked them regarding this matter openly afraid that he'd receive an undesirable answer.

Caltec, Jon, and Mor, led their comrades in conquering this dungeon for the nth time. This was a dungeon called Cave of Vexation by the kingdom, this name was derived from the monsters that spawn inside, Hydra Offspring, and the boss being a Nine Headed Hydra. Hydras were known for their vexing ability to endlessly regenerate. If you don't work fast enough, you'll be buried.

 "Damn these things are annoying even after countless times we already cleared this dungeon except the boss."

"Keep talking! You'll bite your tongue if you're not careful!"

"You're one to talk! Besides, it wouldn't even be possible to face these Hydra Offspring at all, if not for the favor of Lord Clay in nurturing us!"

Caltec led the group in the assault. A dungeon may sound as if it's cramped and dark, but in Alleucanth, dungeons were incredibly spacious and could fit more than a million strong army in formation without making the formation break or deformed. One could imagine just how grand this dungeon's space was. And even though the Hydra Offspring sounded like they were small snakes with multiple heads, in reality, it was as big as a castle with varying head-counts. Their swords wouldn't reach if they didn't employ some means. And they would all die from the acidic blood and fumes from it being spilled if they weren't careful. These were just the difficulty of coming into the dungeon and facing the Hydras. Not to mention actually vanquishing even just one of them. 

Ordinary soldiers would never be able to defeat, much less kill a Hydra Offspring of A-Class threat on its own. How about in pairs, or even a whole nest of them?

At first, these soldiers were terrified of the Hydras however after repeated bathing in their blood, they formed some sort of immunity and adjusted to them. They started fighting as if what they faced were small snakes.

And their growth was apparent. Not only were they now high-leveled, they even formed specialized teams among them. After getting a hint from Clay regarding how to do Raids, the men started to take on roles within their hundred-man company. They divided into Vanguards, Dealers, and Support roles.

Vanguards were those who saw themselves as tanky and could handle a few hits even from behemoth-like existences. They were responsible for catching the enemy's attention and retaining it so the others could also do well. Dealers were the ones responsible for offensive means and to shave off the durable armor and penetrate the enemy's flesh to deal damage, ultimately defeating or killing their targets. Support was a role that was pivotal to the survival of the whole company. A Raid couldn't be done alone, not unless the difference in level and strength was overwhelming. However, as already established, levels weren't everything in Alleucanth. There were a lot of factors that affect battle as a whole. So, supports present in any incursion was a necessary element for survival. They could heal, buff and also send the enemy into despair by affecting their minds via curses and hexes.

Of course, these were not considered professions in Alleucanth. There were only a predetermined set of professions in Alleucanth and these roles were not included. However, for this company, it was better than even professions. Or at least, that's just how much they trusted in Clay. 

"You've heard of the public declaration of the other races right?" Jon asked the other two.

"Oh that? Don't they know we've already been effin' with them since months back?" Mor was slightly smug about it.

"Of course not! That just shows how Lord Clay's plans are always considering the bigger picture." Caltec affirmed Clay's tactics. They were having this conversation while facing giant Hydras.

"It seems the kingdom isn't even going to react to the provocation. I wonder what Lord Clay thinks?" Jon continued.

"We shouldn't assume anything for Lord Clay. Besides, the powerhouses are already recorded to be in exact levels revealed by Lord Clay." Caltec stated as a matter-of-fact.

"That's just it, won't we be reaching those levels soon? I'd give it a few days tops, we'll equal them in level, all hundred of us. Wouldn't that be tragic for them?" Mor was clearly letting the boost in level and strength get to his head.

"Certainly, if that happens they would be miserable. However, we won't know until Lord Clay decides for himself what to do. After all, we are under direct orders to submit to Lord Clay and be under his authority." Caltec stayed true to his character.

While they were doing this, most of their comrades were giving them side-eyes as they thought to themselves, "Focus on the job at hand, damned monsters!"

After all, within the hundred-man company, those three were the most powerful and the fastest to grow stronger. Caltec was almost Level 900, while Jon and Mor already stepped into Level 850. The rest of the company were already Level 600 and below. This wouldn't be possible at all without Clay's alchemical pills that help them rapidly grow in exchange for their life-span. However, even that had a remedy from Clay. So, they were not afraid to unleash everything to fight and strive to grow fast to be of use.

Truth was, Clay didn't even intend for them to grow this rapidly. What he developed were all experimental pills, at least that's what he thought. Even with the side-effect it was still too much of a temptation for these men to pass up the opportunity for rapid power ups.

Currently, Clay was even developing this dan so as to perfect it. It was capriciously called [Master Pill] by Jon and Mor which the company accepted and used in circulation already. Even Clay had no knowledge of the name of this pill.

After a few minutes of fighting this isolated Hydra Offspring, it died at the hands of the hundred-man company. As usual, they stripped the Hydra of its resources especially its scales and skin. The scales serve as the uniform for the hundred-man company, forged by the magic engineers in cooperation with blacksmiths. The scales serve the same way as it was when the Hydra was alive, as deflective armor, while the skin was used as inner-armor, like a shirt to prevent piercing damage. Having these things, Clay thought of one of the most enjoyable videogames he'd ever played that involved killing monsters and using their materials to create armor and weapons to counter the very thing it was created from: MonHun.

"Sigh, I miss playing videogames, but right now, I am also enjoying playing like a mad scientist. Although… it's not a game. I have to remind myself this each time. I don't want a repeat of the previous incident."

The world anticipated the challenge that all the races sent to the hero of humanity for an open battle, however, to their disappointment, Clay never responded or even the kingdom where he was summoned at. They stayed mum and collectively ignored the challenge. Gracius was even saying things like, "Why accept a challenge when there's nothing beneficial about it?"

Soon, three months passed by yet again and the world was disappointed. They were ready to observe and enjoy the festivities from this fight of the century but they were disappointed. Instead, the other races were clutching their heads from the headache in continuously replacing their leaders. Of course, they also started to investigate and found out that even the human empire and the kingdoms within were also replacing their officials frequently these days. Their suspicion was successfully avoided like this thanks to the envoy named Dmitri who was sent to Acadria three months prior. His story, one of interest and intrigue.

Dragonborn Isles, Dragonspire of Sagacity.

"Damned humans! We openly challenged them and they did not even so much as send a refusal. Forgoing any honorable negotiations or dialogues!" the dragonborn Sage spoke with frustration.

"Khafar, it is understandable from their point of view, after all, who would openly accept a challenge that means to expose their hope to danger?" a dragonborn with obviously an aged look spoke to the Dragonborn Sage present in the encirclement plan previously.

"They've always been foolish, why not today?"

"Sigh. We are dragonborn, we are superior to them in bloodline, lineage, power, and intelligence. However, it's not that they can't grow to acquire what he have. It is dangerous to continue to think of them as lowly ants."

"You are acting as if we are weak! We are not weak! We are strong, stronger than any race!"

"And yet, you know the truth. If you were faced with the human hero alone, would you have been able to do anything to him? Or better yet, would you have been able to achieve a stalemate with the Grand Generals of the Demon Empire alone?"


Khafar was speechless. The Grandsage, was right. He was not strong enough to face the Grand Generals of the Demon Empire alone and live to tell the tale. He knew this was true but his dragonborn pride was getting in the way of clear and logical judgment.

The Grandsage knew this and spoke frankly to Khafar.

"That's right. That's the proper stance when talking about the human hero. Do you think they did not accept the challenge because they were afraid of us? No, they didn't accept the challenge because of some other reason. If we don't find out soon, this may bite us in the behind."

"Is that your judgment as the Grandsage?"

"As a Grandsage? What does this title give me aside from a lofty position I don't want and like? Hah! Are my skills dependent on this title our people gave us? Surely not. I am speaking with experience and accumulation of knowledge."

"Forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive."

"Thank you."

Khafar couldn't help but be silent as he thought about what they just discussed.

"One day. I will stand above all and spread the name of the Dragonborn Sage, Khafar! None shall be my match!"

Such was the ambition of Khafar. The dragonborn with the greatest physical strength in all the Dragonborn Isles. He was born with greater strength and potential and was praised since he was a youngling. This cultivated a negative reinforcement in him and he believed that his talent was unparalleled, that he was the greatest in the world. No one could surpass him. Even when reality slaps him in the face, he still maintains this thought. It was sad and unfortunate. But to him, it was natural to think that he would eventually surpass everyone else.