Blown away by the breath of the Giant, Zachary al Metos held his position when he reached the ground. From way far from the Abyss of the Sea to the shore, that was the distance that he was blown through. Zachary al Metos felt a little embarrassed. He was thinking of tanking and holding his ground mid-air, but he was uncontrollably blown away by a mere breath. Although it was not an attack, however, to any ordinary people, it would have been life-threatening. 

Above, in the skies, Adrian de Arsis, Killiam le Noir, and Aaron vel Marion were gloating and jeering over Zachary's performance.

 "What an embarrassment to our Lord's Union!"

 "Sigh, he's not even the weakest among us and he still failed. Should I get a promotion?"

 "I would have dug deep underground and hid my face forever!"

With his incredible hearing enhanced by their elevated attributes, Zachary heard all of what they were saying and barked back.