Gathering of Elites

After leaving training grounds I head to my room and take a bath and lie down on my bed


"brother you in?"

so it was older sister Lin Xian'er , I get up and open the door

"so brother are you done? if so then let's head off to God's Paradise, every one is waiting for you"

"ok let's leave"

I said with a smile and I noticed my younger sister to have a slightly grumpy face

"Yan'er why are you unhappy?"

puzzled I asked her

"Brother didn't even talk to me since waking up, you didn't even play with me so Yan'er is angry"

looking at the cute girl who is puffing her cheeks, I wanted to spoil her

"Yan'er I'm sorry, brother will play with from today onwards"


she replied in a tiny voice and was looking quite delighted

"Yan'er don't let brother off the hook that easily, we should get our revenge"

my older sister spoke with a righteous expression on her, for a moment even I believed what she said was right

"sister how should we get our revenge?"

my younger sister asks with an innocent expression

"let's make him spend 2 hours each with both of us each day"


"is it ok with you brother?"

my older sister asks me with a tone of achievement in her voice

"since my two Princesses have commanded,this loyal servant shall follow your orders"

"pfff haaahaaa then follow my instructions my dear follower"


a bout of conversation melted the distance between us, my younger sister is still a kid so she speaks with me normally while my older sister seemed more reserved and was considering my feelings and was slowly trying to make me accept her and this conversation melted all reservations with me and spoke to me like she did back then

we head towards horse carriage place and go to God's paradise.

The capital city looks like a medieval Europe decorated with statues of past kings and Golden Crow as we head to God's Paradise, this seemed like a lavish restaurant with an ancient and noble aura

upon seeing the carriage the guards respectfully bow

"Lady Lin this way"

a middle aged man guides us towards a huge chamber

inside there are many people who are of my age and slightly older ones are also present

upon seeing us enter, attention falls on us and one young girl comes forward

"sis Xian'er how have you been? Yan'er you should come play with this older sister once in a while and you must be Lin Yi, sure enough you look nearly the same but you seem a bit more handsome"

"sis Xia don't scare them and anyways brother this is Kang Xia the young mistress of the Kang clan and the daughter of our Empire's General"

"hello Young lady Kang"

I replied back polietly

this women looks like the social butterfly type and looks extremely pretty and there are men who are looking towards me and from their gazes I can say they are interested in Kang Xia, so replied politely to avoid any ill will towards me, sure enough seeing that I had no intensions towards her there were no gazes directed towards me with ill will.

"sorry sis Xia he is a bit reluctant to talk with people, so please don't take it to heart"

my older sister replied apologetically

"it's fine, let him adopt to this new life, then we can chat later on"

actually I remember her, the past Lin Yi used to have quite a good relationship with her

"little Xia don't scare little Yi like that, let him adopt to this"

an old dude of about 18 years said coming towards us

"elder brother you are one scaring others"

"hahaha Little Yi remember me?"

this guy was the brother of Kang Xia he was called Kang Ming, he used to act like a older brother to me and he was a frank and straightforward guy from my memories.

"brother Ming it's been a while"

"Lin Yi you remember my brother and forget me, all those years I doted you have gone to drain"

"Sis Xia I remember you as well"

"you ladies keep chatting, I will take Little Yi and introduce him to other"

"ok brother Ming"

the ladies reply and start chatting with each other

"let's go"


so I joined the conversations with all the young masters and have conversations with them

A loud voice interrupted the hall

"so young master Lin have you woken up from your beauty sleep and looking quite handsome, to sleep for 3 years straight this Yang admires you"

the person speaking is Yang Zhang, this guy used to bully me in past and used me as a bait to cause all sort of non-sense, his father and my father have bad blood between them and hence he causes me all sorts of trouble

"Yang Zhang don't go overboard, this is a gathering if you are looking for a fight I'll take you on"

my older sister said with a cold expression

"Lady Lin does he still hides behind you, even after 3 years he is still a chicken"

this guy knew that only humiliation awaited him were he to challenge my sister hence he starts taunting me

system check his Qi state and body cultivation



this guy seems like he doesn't know I opened the Gate of Healing

Looks like this will be my first fight in this world

"I accept your challenge"

I raised my voice