My sister-in-law is powerful

A maid came to my training room and informed me that the Princess of Azure Empire was coming soon and I should get myself properly presented.

I wash up and change into a set of clean robes and go to the main hall where everyone was waiting for the carriage to arrive, I find my mother and sisters and go there

"mom, sisters why are you guys standing in a corner?"

"the elders and your dad have gone front to greet the Princess so we stood here"

my mom smiled and explained me

"Yi'er you should behave properly when you interact with the Princess"

my mom said with a voice of concern

"relax mom I know what I'm supposed to do"

"Little Yi congratulations on finding yourself a wife"

Lin Lan come over said with voice full of mischief

"you bad girl how can you tease your younger cousin like that"

my mom rebuked her

"Aunt I'm just congratulating him when did I ever bully him?"

she says with eyes full of innocence

"sister Lan wait till you find yourself a man then we will talk about congratulating"

"You brat you sure got better in teasing"

"I just learned it from cousin"

"ok stop fighting the Princess seems to have arrived"

the carriage comes to stop at the main hall, the Princess and a maid have gotten down

"welcome Princess of Azure Empire"

my father and several elders go over and offer their greetings to the Princess

"thank you clan head Lin for your hospitality, we will be a family in future and I can simply be addressed as Little Shan"

"ha ha ok since the Princess herself said so I will call you Little Shan and please head for the meal"

"sure I was hungry from the journey"

what joke cultivators even of Rank 1 don't feel hungry even if they miss a few meals and you actually say you are hungry from journey

"this way please"

they lead her to the guest hall which was specially decorated for this and there were only twenty seats so only elders and my family were having dinner

there was a huge feast with all sort of delicacies and monster meat of Rank 8 and 9

I sat beside my mom and sisters and started having lunch quietly and after chatting for sometime with my dad and elders the Princess turned her head towards me

"Brother-in-law, why are you so silent? I have come all the way here to get along with you and you aren't even talking to me"

"Greetings Princess Long, I was just nervous and hence refrained from speaking"

I said with a smile

"why are calling me Princess Long, it sounds so distant, just call me sister Shan since we will be family"

"sure sister Shan"

since I was a bit nervous, Sister Shan didn't press the issue too much and I went back to training grounds

I take out my scythe and start practicing my Death God's Scythe Arts

I didn't know how much time has passed, I was in a deep comprehension and only came back to my senses when I heard sound of claps

"Little Yi that weapon sure is unorthodox what is it called?"

I didn't know when but Sister Shan was behind me watching me practice

"This weapon is called Death God's Scythe"

"so I was wondering why Clan head Lin refused my intension to have you take a weapon from Azure Empire's treasures so it was because you use an unorthodox weapon, can I see it once"

I hand her the scythe

"good balance and it seems a bit heavy and it is of quite high quality, no wonder you didn't want a weapon, seeing you practice has ignited my fighting sprit, lets spar for a bit"

saying this she handed me the scythe and she took a sword

System check her Rank


"sister Shan you definitely are stronger than me so why spar with me?"

"that weapon invoked my fighting sprit and I want to test you, I will limit my Qi state to Rank 4 late phase"

since it has come to that I will fight her

"be careful sister Shan, my weapon is used to purely kill so be on guard and use your full strength to block it if you are in a loosing case"

"ok then lets begin"

since this is the first time I am having a spar and I want to test my limits and Death God's Sythe Arts

I take a stance from the Death God's Sythe Arts and start in the defending stance and infuse the Heat of Nirvana's Flames and White Dragon's Divine Wind in sythe and wait for her first move

she rushes in a zigzag manner which is confusing and I parry her attacks and since I have infused Nirvana's flames heat and White dragon's Divine Wind, the attacking might is unparalleled and even if it is a parry she shock waves and heat sent are no joking matter, she starts using water and wind fusion to create ice affinity to deal with heat and cancel out wind which is quite effective and it became a battle with pure skills and after defending for a while I made a mistake and she utilized the opening and got extremely close and before I could counter she place her sword on my neck

I raised my hand in surrendering motion

"your weapon is unorthodox and the technique seems to be developed by you right"

"yes I got this weapon a week ago and I am not perfect with it yet"

"you really are a genius you know just a week and you could stand my Wind sword technique"

"it was just sister Shan going easy on me"

"haa but that doesn't change the fact that you could contend against me for so long"

"sister Shan you are powerful, this is my first time seeing a member of younger generation having such high attainment of sword and Qi state"

"Well I was the champion of the last gathering of nations so naturally I'm better than my peers"

I was shocked, no wonder she could find an opening and exploit it

"so sister can to tell me a bit about second Princess?"

"oh can't wait to see her then come with me to Azure Empire"

"well I will come after marriage, I want to spend my remaining time with my family"

"well that's ok, my little sister is called Long Xinya and she is 14 this year and she is quite the beauty and she has reached Rank 5 Mid phase and is talented than me and she is a bit naughty"

"did she accept the marriage or was she forced to it?"

this was what I wanted to know most, if she was forced it would be trouble

"well she was unwilling but from what I see you both are suited for each other but rest assured she was not forced and the reason I want you to come with me is to spend a bit of time with her and know her better"

"I still have time of 4 months after marriage so I still have time to know her better"

"well ok I will take my leave and find you later Little Yi"

"later Sis Shan"