The Wedding day arrives

It took us half a day more to reach the Capital city, there were 5 more days for the wedding

My family was arranged to stay in the Royal castle while the rest of my clansmen were staying in the hotels booked by the Royal family.

since it was already late in the night, we directly hit the bed and I woken up early by my mom

"mom!, its so early why did you wake me up so soon?"

"of course you should get ready and go meet your father and mother-in laws not to mention you have been nagging to see your wife so get ready"

fine I was looking forward to meeting my wife so I got up and a maid took me to the bathing chambers and I had a pretty good bath and by the time I return my mom and sisters were taking a bath as well so I went to find my dad

"dad will you come with me to the Emperor and Empress?"

"Yi'er wait till your mother and sisters come, the maids already informed us that we will have a breakfast with the Royal Family"

"Fine since that's the case let's wait"

after taking their sweet time my mother and sisters come and we head off to a hall

there were 5 people and several maids

the middle aged bearded guy must be the Emperor, eh why do all Emperors I met so far have beards? well ok let's leave it, the gentle and noble looking lady must be the Empress, the one showing bright smile must be the Crown Prince and there is Sister Shan waving her hand towards me and the cute girl sneaking glances at me must be my little wife, so this is the royal family of Azure Empire

"Greetings Emperor and Empress of Azure Empire"

"we are one big family Brother Lin, you can address me as Brother Long"

and they exchanged a few greetings and I decided to go with the flow and answered a few questions that were thrown at me

"Yi'er we are family, don't be so reserved"

seeing that I was nervous around the Royal family Sister Shan decided to ease the situation

"it's just that I am a bit nervous Sis Shan, you know me as well I will eventually ease up I really feel nervous since I met my father and mother-in laws for the first time"

"haahaa don't be so nervous Yi'er we are not bad guys"

The empress jokes around but since I really was nervous I thought that she was serious I replied instantly

"Mother-in Law I didn't mean that, as they say first impression is the best impression I was a bit nervous so as to how to present myself"

"its ok I was just joking around"

"Royal Father can I talk to him alone for a bit"

Long Xinya asked after a few minutes when my parents and they were chatting endlessly

"Sure I just remember that you both have not previously met each other, go around and show Yi'er the castle"


she walks towards the door and I follow suit

"so what you wrote that day was true? do you really want to be my friend?"

"yes, I really wish to be your friend, I know that this marriage was for political purposes and we had no say in this so since we are destined to be together let's start by knowing each other and understanding each other"

"sure then lets be the best of friends"

the castle was really big and it took us nearly till evening till to see the entire castle, we started addressing each other by our Yi and Xinya and I came to know that she is very lonely, apart from Sis Shan she has no real friends

"Xinya let me introduce you to my little sister Yan'er , she really loves to play and she could be your best friend based on your personalities"

"ok then let's meet my little sister"

as expected they got along well, along with my older sister we had fun and in a blink tomorrow was the wedding day

I was nervous and could not sleep and I found out a pretty nice spot in garden for star gazing and go there

I find an unexpected person there

"Xinya you too weren't able to sleep"

"Yi! why are you here?"

"same as you nervous, so tomorrow's our big day huh"

"so ..."

"I suggest let's forget that tomorrow is our big day and act as we usually do"

"but I'm nervous"

"Hmmm let's have a spar"

"What!? you want to have a spar at this late hours!"

"why not it will distract you"

"let's not if we do guards will find us and we will be in trouble"

"Xinya let's stargaze for a bit and go back to sleep"


we sat down shoulder to shoulder and stargaze and both of us don't speak a word as if we had tactic understanding, after a while we got up and went back

the next day

"Yi'er get up! how can you sleep for so long during your wedding day, time is running up"

and so said I was dragged out of bed and so my big wedding day has come.