My Xinya

we stayed at the Lin clan for the past few days and I already gave my family the armors and they instantly loved it, later we left to Azure Empire and we should start our vigorous practice for the gathering, we left to Azure Empire, we naturally started our hard practice and since the White Dragon asked me to meet it, so it might be a right time for me to go meet it

so I went to the Emperor

"Father I would like to visit the Sacred place of the White Dragon"

"you have already reached the peak of Rank 6 huh?"

"yes I have"

"then lets go in morning before sun rises tomorrow"


I went to my room to find Xinya sleeping on bed with only her face above the blanket


I called out, perhaps due to the fact that we are already married, I feel extreme love and care for her, I really want to hug and kiss her

"Yi what's the matter"

"I want to hug and kiss you"

I answered in a daze and quickly realized what I have said

"I'm sorry Xinya, I blurted it out in a daze"

although I said that I blurted it out in a daze I wanted her to know it

"Yi what are you speaking, we can't do this, we are still too young, we can't do 'that' yet"

she looks shy and is red until her neck

so you misunderstood huh

"Xinya I just wanted to hug you while sleeping and wanted to kiss you while we are it that's all"

seeing that she misunderstood she became even more shy and she was peeking towards me while covering herself till her nose

"Fine just for today"

she replied in a mosquito like voice

this words for her and the Virgin within me was stimulated, sigh in a total of forty five years this is the first time I'm hugging a girl in sleep

since I already got my confirmation I quickly take my bath

I nervously come towards her bed, slowly sat by her side and with extreme care I finally got into a sleeping position and hugged her, I could smell her scent and greedily inhaled it and I kissed her at first it was a peck on her lips, later she gradually opened up and we went to French kiss and now only let go of each other when we were unable to catch our breath

"Xinya I love you"

I spoke softly in her ears, she hugged me back tightly and said

"I know and I love you as well"

this removed the final bit of caution and we for the first time slept on the same bed

perhaps we were exhausted or we were too happy we didn't get up till the maid knocked our door

we get up lazily I hug her tightly and kiss her and she responds back


"what happened Yi?"

" I was supposed to go visit White Dragon with Father and now I forgot about it"

"its no big deal, you could go tomorrow"

"fine I will talk with father and go tomorrow"

we head over to the Emperors chambers and tell him that I will go tomorrow and he simply accepted it

we head over to Sis Shan and have breakfast, Xinya kept on adding things to my plate and was looking happy, I remember that back on earth couples feed each other and stuff, even if I am not proficient with that stuff I could try

I take a piece of meat and take it towards Xinya's mouth

"What is it?"


"why are you placing it near my mouth?"

"I just wanted to feed you"

"but that's indirect kiss!"

"its not like we have not kissed directly"

I said this and suddenly remember Sis Shan is with us, she looks at us with an amusing expression

"so you both have kissed, let older sister here hear about it"

"it is none of your matter Elder Sister"

Xinaya immediately shouts she looks at me angrily

well I said it out loud, so she would naturally be angry

"well ok don't be that angry I just asked , Yi so you are leaving tomorrow"


"ok then have a safe trip, I will be leaving today for instructing and gathering members who are taking part in gathering"

"ok and take care Sis Shan"