I exited my training as said, I've stayed in for 18 days but I feel like I've stayed in the cave for a very long time, this time I went back to the castle by myself

I directly go to the dining hall and stuff myself with meat of several high Ranked beasts

I find all the members of the gathering representing the Azure Empire except me were gathered in training ground, I directly I find Sis Shan giving lectures along with several elders of the Royal Family, since I have reached the point where my Qi is one with nature, I didn't attract any commotion, I watched the demonstration and then there were rules which were explained, since I already knew the rules I was paying attention to the members who were present, most of them had a cultivation of Rank 5 and 6, a few of them who were looking ten to twelve years old who were at peak of Rank 4 and very exited, I find Xinya sitting in front row with a few girls of her age and was listening attentively I use wind Qi under my feet and suddenly arrive besides Xinya

"Yi! when have you come back?"

"I have been here for a while I have been watching from the beginning"

"Why is your cultivation at Rank 5 mid phase, you should have advanced to Rank 7 beginner phase right after visiting the Noble White Dragon"

"my Qi was not pure and I would face problems if had advanced at that speed and now the White Dragon has helped me purify my Qi and I can easily win against those beginner Phase Rank 7 guys"

"wow Yi, you are amazing as expected"

"so what's up with every one around here, listening so attentively?"

"my sister is going to share her experiences and battle tactics"

so for an ordinary person listening to the current champion of the gathering of five nations battle experience will be a good experience

"So is there anyone who will accompany me for a spar?"

Sis Shan asks and no one answers

well who would go on to the stage to be humiliated?

"I would like to have a spar, its been a while since we fought Sis Shan"

I said since no one was willing to

and everyone's attention is on me and I hear discussion about me, after all I'm the Prince Consort

"Yi, when have you come back"

"a few hours ago"

"Sis Shan shall we?"


we get on the stage and everyone was watching us

"Yi why did your Qi state fall to Rank 5?"

"Sis Shan my combat abilities can rival yours "

"lets test it out"

she took out her sword and got into a stance, I took out my scythe which gained a lot of attention

she was waiting for me to start the first move, I closed my eyes and I remembered the White Dragon's teachings, wind is all around us a slightest fluctuation can be detected when you concentrate fully, you have my Bloodline, the king if all Wind beast's bloodline you are the wind itself, you can use it for attacking, defending, assisting and only your wind can assist your flames

when everyone saw me closing my eyes they thought I was too arrogant but only true experts saw me with a curious gaze

meanwhile Sis Shan was getting a dangerous feeling from me, she immediately jumped back about 20 meters and started to throw Wind Blades

" First Princess is a genius, look at those wind blades, they are so precise and deadly, Prince Consort would not be able to manage these"

everyone in crowd was discussing the same thing,

I sensed the wind changing fluctuation and sensed a dangerous aura coming towards me

I just extended my hand and commended the wind to stop

in an instant the Wind Blades were vanished as if they were not used in first place

"Sis Shan you have lost"

"how did I loose?"

I commanded the wind to destroy a tiles into dust and the tiles so happens to be the one which were surrounding Sis Shan within a centimeter range


a sound of tiles turning to dust is heard and saw a circle around Sis Shan and there was a meter

deep, sized perfect circle around her

all of them gaped in horror


I didn't know who shouted this everyone believed that I was one