Terrifying Wails

"I hope you are prepared, Little Fan, said Big Jie with a stern, worried face. Coupled with his monstrous muscles, It made him look especially terffying.


"Drop the 'Mister', It's not needed and it makes me sound old. I don't like it," said Big Jie while glancing at Wang Lui who smirked in return.

"..Fine then, Jie. You are making it sound as If I am going to a battlefield. It honestly can't be that bad, said Lin Fan with uncertainty. These people made it sound horrendous, Isn't it just a course?

It can't be that bad, can it now?

Lili and Wang Lui looked at each other and gave a light smile, as If mocking Lin Fan's ignorance.

"Let's go Lil'Fan, the course is about to begin," said Big Jie without explaining. Lin Fan will naturally come to the realization on his own.

As they walked through a corridor, Lin Fan eyes kept wondering about. Fascination covered his face as he moved. He had never came across such an exquisite, beautiful and luxurious design, the mix between the three were perfectly balanced, It was not too luxurious that it made the owner seem extravagant, yet still gave a sense of it's incredible worth.

"Here we go Lil'Fan, we have arrived, this is the course room,"

Lin Fan looked at the metallic door in front of him and was perplexed. The door...had no handle nor knob, It seemed to not have any kind of way to open it with. Just a piece of what appeared to be metal if he is correct, that is lodged into the wall.

"How do you open this thing again?"

"You dont simply open it, the Instructor does. We just wait now."

Lin Fan nodded and after a quick five minutes. The duo saw a man who resmebled foreigners walking over. He had blue piercing eyes, a white beard that seemed uncared of and he was endowed with a black colored robe that strangley matched his blue eyes.

Lin Fan couldn't help but take a step backwards as the man gave him an overwhelming feeling. It was almost as though Lin Fan was an ant standing in front of an elephant. If the elephant wished, It could crush the ant to death.

He slowly passed by them and placed his hand on the entrance and pushed it.

The door was surprisingly cooperative and was opened with a light push.

'You've got to be kidding me, I could have sworn that thing wouldn't budge a second ago!' Lin Fan thought to himself while being shocked.

He rubbed his hear in puzzlement and thought, 'Well..today wasn't entirely logical to begin with..I've got to get used to it I guess,'

"Get in, boy," commanded the man before unhurriedly stepping into the hall.

Jie gave Lin Fan a light pat on the back and said, "Quickly go in. Remember to not do anything stupid,"

"As if I would do anything stupid," replied Lin Fan feeling nervous.

Jie smiled in understanding before leaving.

Lin Fan walked behind the man to be introduced to a spacious white room, everything was white colored in this room. From the ceiling to the floor.

There was no furniture so to speak of. Not even for the instructor. Only a meduim sized black gate could be seen at the far corner of the room.

Lin Fan saw the man walk on to a spot in the hall and close his eyes.

'Is he cultivating?' wonderd Lin Fan with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. He couldn't wait for the day were he would be able to soar in the sky and become a powerful Immortal.

He wondered why this room was 'white' to this degree. It was suspicously white if he is being honest.

He then heard a shrieking voice resounding from the black gate, disturbing his thoughts. It sounded like a ghosts wailing.

"Spare me! Spare me, I beg of you! I don't want to die!"

Looking at the black gate, Lin Fan could feel his face losing blood, turning pale.

He didn't notice the arrival of five more people, standing at the entrance with shock and puzzlement covering their faces. Only two people amongst them happend to be keeping their cool. A yellow haired young man, and a girl that couldn't be exactly described as beautiful. She had a birth mark covering almost half of her face. It wasn't ugly but It definitely affected her charm.

She kept a cold, straight face as she stood there. Not affected by the horrific sound.

One of the terrified guys turned around and tried rushing out of the door but It was slammed shut before he could make it out. If he were a bit more faster... he wouldn't have made it, he would've been crushed to death.

The bearded man opened his eyes and said, "You finish what you signed up for,"