



A japanese boy with flaming red hair lied on the ground his limbs crushed under heavy debris as he took ragged and faint breaths.He couldn't move at all. It hurt too much. His eyes were barely open. His mouth was hanging wide open with sunken cheeks and barely any skin on his skeleton. He could only stare up at the sky while enduring. Hoping that he might be able to survive, somehow. Maybe.

It wasn't happening. He knew it all along but just couldn't accept it. He would never be able to see his family, again...ever.

'If only I could get a second chance....'

Lastly, a memory of a youth dressed completely in black flashed before he stopped breathing....

But.....it wouldn't stop forever....




'It' didn't know what it was. Where 'it' was. Who 'it' was. 'It' was just there. 'It' existed.

Small orbs of various sizes pulsed around 'it'.






Just an endless stream of various orbs of innumerable colors and forms interacting with each other forming an intricate balance. A balance unlike anything 'it' had ever felt.

'It' observed and felt the balance trying to understand it. Trying to form a connection. Communicate.

'It' didn't how long it had been but finally, an orb reacted. A blue orb pulsed in response to 'it'.

'It' was elated . 'It' couldn't control it's joy as 'it' had finally succeeded. 'It' lost concentration due to it's excessive stimulation and the connection disappeared.

The blue orb simmered before disappearing.

'It' wasn't one to give up as 'it' tried again. 'It' started to communicate with another blue orb because 'it' had established some form of rapport or instinct. Establishing a connection was easier this time.

The blue orb started to revolve and move for some reason. 'It' was too preoccupied trying to constantly maintain it that it didn't entertain the thought of establishing a connection with another orb.

Some time later 'it' had completely taken control of the blue orb. 'It' tried to establish a connection with a second orb. 'It' was also blue. Unfortunately, 'it' overestimated itself severely as 'it' not only failed to control the second orb but even the initial orb 'it' was in control of simmered and disappeared.

'It' was severely disappointed but it persisted as 'it' once again established a connection with an orb.

Slowly, one was increased to two.

Two to three...

Three to four...

From high above the entire plane 'it' was present in was a mish-mash of various colors. It possessed no form or pattern. Until a blue dot appeared. It's size swelled as more and more orbs joined it.

Soon, it started to move. At first it was just a tiny dot traveling at a minor speed. Sometimes, the dot would swell before rapidly,deflating.

It's length increased with time slowly, forming an arc. The arc became bigger and bigger until it became a full circle.

The circle revolved and revolved until, it disappeared...

Where did it go?





'No...I shouldn't ditch her just like that...she's my woman!'

His right eye glowed with a white radiance as he convinced himself to not give up on her.


"There should be another solution..."

He opened up the and saw a string of notifications:

'Why did I ignore the notifications?'

'Who cares?'

Aurav shook his head as he opened his Skills sections and saw .

'Wait,can I use on my beasts as well?'

Thinking so, Aurav opened up . Two extra categories had appeared now:




He selected the beast mode and used it on the bat. He shared with it.

The bat shrieked affectionately as it felt the effects of . It would probably be completely healed in an hour or so.

Aurav got down and started to apply pressure on it's wound. He was trying to prevent as much blood loss as possible.After all,it was his pet from now on.

Not to mention that it might die before completely healed it.

The bat shrieked in a high pitch as it's pain decreased. Seeing it's cute head Aurav chuckled. It was a foreign experience for him as he'd never kept a pet before.

"Well...I should name you...right...?"


"How about Aurav no.2...?"

"Nope....that's just ridiculous..."

"Aurav's pet???"

"Really....why not just call you a bat..."


"What the fu*k does that even mean?"

"Nope...let's go with the B's..."


"You're a fuc*ing bat for f*cks sake..."


"Really Ben?...next..."


"Are you a computer or something?"

"Haa...let's move on to the C's..."


"Wait...how do I know if you're a guy or a girl...?"


Aurav glanced up and down at it's furry body covered in black fur.

"Uh...nope...that's just wrong man...."

"Alright...let's move on to the D's..."


"Too cool..."


"Hmm....okay...that's an option..."

Suddenly, a name flashed through his head as he smiled:

"How about Dexter?"

The bat shrieked showing it's happiness.



It was debatable whether,the bat had responded because of the name or it's Master's smile.

"Hehe....alright,from now on you're name is Dexter..."

Thus, another terror of unimaginable proportions for humankind was born.....