Just Woke Up

"The stillness of the forest, the constant sound of stream,

I knew not where I am, but the this place is like a dream."

A man clad in grey and red noble suit was seating on a flat rock, his floating right hand was holding a fountain pen of some sorts, playing with it every now and then, while his left was holding on a small black notebook, he was leaning on the slanted rock behind him, while crossing his left leg over the other. The smooth breeze seems like to complement this relaxed behavior, as the flame flickered in front of him burning a hare and bringing with it the sweet smell of dinner. A tranquil image of a civilized man before the ruggedness of nature. Simply divine.

The man was alone, while around him hungry eyes, and fear-stricken face of demonic beasts seems like dying before the sweet temptation in the wind, but they stood there well behaved like nobles in a court of a king. Every sense of their body was shouting 'danger!' for around that man was a blood pool, created from the previous fight with almost all of the beasts doing their best but still their bestial powers couldn't take this guest's fierce fists. So they stood there waiting, for a chance to maybe redeem their lost faces.

What are demonic beasts? In the Fertile Plains they are the ruler, feared by men, and even by the demons themselves. They stood at the pinnacle of strength. The epitome of power. They are more than just mindless creatures, they might not think as wise as the weak civilians on the cities, but what they have is enough to rule these lands of rage and bloody glory.

"Hmm. I thought beasts are powerful, but it seems my calculations are incorrect. This is not the best place maybe. Weak, simply weak, pity. Not even worthy for my hungry lance to devour."

The man spoke even though he knew himself that not even a thousand of that surrounding beasts can understand his utterance of loneliness and greatness. Then he waved his two hands, the pen and the book, both of these hard materials, disappeared in the wind looking like dust and leaving the hands of the man. After this, the man stood up, walk for around a meter or so, facing a crimson field, he put his hands around his back and spoke:

"Bishops! Come and pay your respects!"

Immediately six figures with varying statures appeared from the thin air before the man, bringing with them a gloomy aura that the demonic beasts are not even worthy of beknowing. These figures were once powerful men in the world called Earth and the other world, but now in this new place a new legend awaits them. They were all clad in black and gold cloaks, while being surrounded by a dark hazy steam that shows their grand origin. A triangle symbol was fixed at their backs, surreal it looked like it was floating. They stood there like guards of hell, doom bringers to this new world.

Immediately, after their appearance they bowed down kneeling before the man. Six different figures with dignity, kneeled before a thin man. While the man didn't even tried to watch them, acting like an indifferent lord in front of his subjects. Seemingly seeing the frailty of the world in his keen eyes.


"My Lord!"

"Summon your ships! I want to see this whole place."

"As you wish!"

Hearing the command, the man named Blackbeard stood up, took a cutlass from his left side, and swing it at the sky. Out from that thin sword was a dark line that soared through the sky. It hit nothing, but the thin line suddenly stood there widening itself each second until it became as huge as a hill, and out from that hill, an old ship with a nefarious aura went out. A skull at it's bow greeted everyone with fear, while the surrounding beasts that are seeing this happening can't stand anymore and took a chance to get out of that place. For what they could feel was that the Battle of the Divine Will was closing in, a dreadful event full of death and defeat.

Out from that huge ship, a small raft appeared and went down with a bony figure cloaked in black seemingly slow in his pushing and pulling of his heavy oar but the speed of the descend was like lightning. Everyone saw who was coming, the skeleton figure, the Knight Charon. For Each Bishop had at least four respective Knights, and under them are the elites the hundred rooks, and each commands a ten-member-squad which has 10 pawns each. Such was the way Dracula thought of leading all these undead. A systematic chain of command, like how generals should be.

"Nice to see you Charon."

"My Lord..."

A hazy voice replied to Dracula's statement, then unexpectedly the tall bony figure bowed down before the kid. While at the same time, the portal that was opened from above spat out another three similar but smaller ships, out of them three different bony figures rose from the each bow of the ships, then in a similar and harmonized manner kneeled with their hands crossed in front of them. They were all cloaked in black, the uniform of these dead walkers, the pirates of death.

"... I..."

"Take me to Revenge."

Before even Knight Charon can speak, Dracula already said his command to go on to that ship. In the midst of this glorious festival of death, the young man, still, was not disturbed nor terrified, but he was proud. Knowing that death itself bowed before him, what else could he fear? Out of the blue, when everyone had the sense of seriousness in their faces, the man began to walk on another direction, this time it was unto the burning rabbit. He went closer and took the whole meal on his right hand, then went back to that parade, while holding a well-done meat on his hand, biting it from time to time.

Together with his bishops, he stepped onto the platform as it started to rose up into the sky, this time it was as slow as a lazy sloth. The company stood there, seemingly like kings that were waiting for time itself come and honor their benevolence of only god knows where it is being kept.

A minute, it took them a whole minute to rise up from the ground unto the floating ship, suspended hundreds of meters above. As the group landed on Revenge, what met them was a land so lush, and green. Great trees on either sides, while a distant mountain range painted in white appeared before them. Seems like the world in it's earliest form, without the evilness and vileness of man, without the ugly structures of these so called "intelligent" beings. But, as if destiny tried to laugh at the great man, he saw a ruined tower of stone seemingly showing to him the great history that was already done on these lands.

"Tsk. We're late, I guess."

"Why do you say that, My Lord?"

"That tower at the distant. It looks like a place created by some civilization, there's also some hidden things there, but let's not worry, there's nothing to fear."

"Yes, My Lord!"

After his own declaration, everyone at his back agreed with such zeal as if a devotee faced God himself, they adored that kid. While Catherine the owner of the soft voice that asked smiled from ear to ear, for she heard the voice of the man she have loved for hundreds of years.

"I want us to see this whole place first, let's just explore. Turn the defense on! We're in for a great adventure."

Not a single soul replied, but everyone worked stealthily and speedily. Positioning themselves to the right positions, as the court have began its session. Six Bishops followed by the four knights, stood behind the man with great caution and pride. For before them was the man that fought off death himself, the man that should've longed for that release, took to himself a passion for war, The Vampire Count, Dracula.