Chapter 23: Studying in library

After kaito convince(force) Daichi to come to the library

kaito ask Daichi

"So, in which subject you score lowest"

"haha, it was 22 percent in foreign language "

"really! thats all you can do?

"hey, don't question me, i know score in language is 20 which is even lower than me"

after listening to each other both of them realise how embarrassing to comparing there score since both of them has failing grades F.

after long silence..., kaito said

"lets start with language then"

"yes, lets start with it"

after deciding what to do, they both took out there notebook and some books from library and start studying.

after half an hour...

"come on Kaitio, its really hard to understand all of this and its only a week remains before the test, with our performance, there's no way we are going to pass those tests"

"just keep studying, don't just give up before even trying, we still have week"

"okay, since you are also giving effort toward study, i don't want to get bad grade than class lowest, i will study at least thay much ,so that i can get grades at least better than you, hahaha"

"if have enough energy to make jokes, then keep studying"

hmm, its not that difficult for me, since I'm already 25 yeara old by my mental age, but it still going to take hard work to get top grades in test.

then Myl said in disappointed sound "really, humans way of gathering knowledge is so inefficient"

"well, I'm doing my best"

"even, after doing your best, its a going to waste lots of time".

"then, do you have any better way"

"well, i have better way, but its will be little painful"

"its depends..., how much better it will be and how much painful it will be"

"much much better than your current speed and i already said its will be only little bit painful"

"well, its not like i have anything to lose, so what are you gonna do? tell me"

"i am gonna increase your brain's plasticity and use time energy to eliminate time delay between your brain cells"

"So what will it exactly do?"

"idiot! it will boost you brain's capacity to retain and understand information by at least hundread fold"

"really! then why didn't you do that earlier"

"because I was still not able to use my full capacity earlier and it will consume lots of your mental energy, so i can only provide you half an hour time limit, any more than will start to damage your neural networks... And even if i able to boost your brain form small time of period, it will not magically able to use knowledge that does not present in memory, you have to work for it"

"yes, even i Knows that..., hmm, if you thinks its safe then i also okay with this"

"then, I'm starting the process"

"hmm? wait, let me prepare firs..."

before kaito can retaliate, myl knock him unconscious again

after sometime Daichi seen kaito sleeping in his seat

"really? after forcing me to study with him, he sleeping himself"

but before Daichi can say anything else

kaito wake up and open his eyes slowly

hmm, what is this feeling, its like everything is moving slower, did i activate my powers, no its not seems like that, its seems like my perception has gotten a lot sharper than before and ability to feel, seeing, listening, everything seems like has exponentially increase, its like i connect to every peace of memory and experience simultaneously.

just as kaito thinking all of this myl said

"hey, don't loose focus on irrelevant things, you don't have much time, don't waste it."

"yes, i should start, its feel like i can learn anything what i want".

and use making kaito brain elasticity 100% for half

saying that kaito pick up his language book

"hmm, thats is so easy, lets move on to next, its doesn't seems any complicated, lets move on to next..."

his brain capacity to understand and retain things has increased exponentially, it feels like there is no obstacle which is stopping him from learning.

"some information is missing here, it should be in this book" saying that kaito pick another reference book and give only small look to index and directly found missing info.

"Myl, you should have copy of these referring books, help me look for missing info and display it on my book"

listening to kaito Myl displaying every complement information kaito needs and augmented on every page of book. With the Myl assistance kaito speed increase even more and and he started to rapidly digest every ounce of knowledge like eating food.

"Done!, it feels like i have been studying for hours, may be because because my time perception is increased, it may be almost half an hour"

in mean time diachi is looking at kaito who is acting weird

"what is he doing? he is not looking at pages even for second, it look like he trying to find something inside the book, did he lost he money between the pages"

from others perspective it's look like kaito is only going through book pages and it only take him less than a minute to go through it.

just as kaito done with his book Myl said

"Hey, what are saying its not even a whole minute and you are saying, you are done? you still 29 minute left don't waste it pick up the pace"

"What? Really? it's feel like i have been study for hours"

"i said don't think of irrelevant think and focus on what you are here for"

"but, i already done with this subject, then i should start with other books"

then Myl said "wait you had already waste so much time to look through book earlier, this time just focus on book you already have in front of you"

saying that Myl materialize the needed content using his augmentations ability on the book pages in front of kaito and one else can see it other than kaito.

"Wow, this is convenient"

this time kaito doesn't need to find any reference books for missing information, everything is present in front of him he need and he didn't even need to turn any page content are changing by themselves after kaito go through all of it.

after 10 min in reality

Daichi is thinking "Now, he is looking at the same page since 21 minutes"

but in reality kaito has ended almost every major and minor subjects till his middle school.




after 25 minutes , he already move to highschool first year"

26 min, Highschool First year-1%

27 min, Highschool First year-1.5%

28 min, Highschool First year-2%

29 min, Highschool First year-2.5%

29 min 30 sec, Highschool First year-2.7%

29 min 45 sec, Highschool First year-2.8%

29 min 55 sec, Highschool First year-2.85%

29 min 58 sec, Highschool First year-2.90%

29 min 59 sec, Highschool First year-2.91%

30 min 00 sec, Highschool First year-2.92%

after completing 2.92 percent of Highschool first year material in Myl database.

"Whats? whats happening?"

after half hour complete, kaito starts to feeling like 1000 of trucks has gone over his head and someone has stabbed his head with thousand of needles. he wants to scream in agony but before he could Myl knock him unconscious

in mean time...

daichi looked at kaito

"what its been only an hour or so and he sleeping again, he not following his own words now"