


*stomach growls*

Mmmmmm. *yawns* Good morning to me and to you Sushi.

Sushi: *Zzzzzzzz*

*stretching bones*

Sushi is still asleep. This worm's body is bulging. *stares* If {Rest} won't activate when I fell asleep, I might be a bloodless corpse in the morning. It's good that it doesn't have a big appetite and suck a small amount of my blood. If this things level surpasses me, then I'll be consumed in no time.

Sleep well little guy.

*puts Sushi in the pocket*

*stomach growls*

Gah, I'm starving!

I didn't have dinner last night. Those damn wolves wait till I level up. I'll cook you and eat even your bones and fur.

Oh well, there are some fruits around. I can find it easily, I'm inside the forest. Nature really provides.

*untie self *

Eh, how am I going to climb down this tree, I'm 10 feet above the ground. How did I ever have the skill to climb this high?

Hmmm, I can use the [10meter: Vine of Suicide] as a support to climb down this tree. I remember seeing this technique of climbing up and down the tree.

*climbs down slowly*

It's working.

I need a strong grip to perform this perfectly.

*climbs down slowly again*

And, *jumps* *lands* Violά

*clap-clap* *self-praise*

Mwahahaha, I did it. Why am I so talented?

Let's go find some food.

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 did well in performing that task of climbing down. He was very happy. Even the simplest thing can make a lonely man feel joy. He begins his search for food with an empty stomach. He still exercised caution while walking around the forest. While he was searching for food, he found an emerald-colored cucumber.

Wow, what a big, long and wonderful cucumber.

*notice me senpai*


This would be enough for my breakfast and I can store some, to eat later.

Let me take a look at this cucumber.


[Eternal Green Cucumber]

It absorbs the spiritual energy around it, nourishing every area of its body. Even if it's separated from its stem, it can still gather spiritual energy. The skin of this cucumber is as hard as stone. But fret not, because its mesocarp is soft like jelly. Once you open it up, the flesh just slid out effortlessly. But you need the sharpest sword just to open it up.


Skin: Durability: 500/500

Flesh: satisfy hunger. Recover from any harmful Physical Status[!].

Expire: Eternal[!]


Jackpot! A blessing.

Mwah, mwah, mwah. Mwah! *kisses like crazy*

What a fortune, this will save me from the days of hunger and prevents me from getting sick.

Mwahahahaha, who said that zero Luck brings misfortune? I'm really lucky right now. It'll save me some time to search for food. Now, I can focus more on searching for my shelter.

Let me taste this one.


The flesh is so green and fluffy. It wiggles like jelly. *gulps saliva*. Thanks for the food.


Ahnn, Umai!

I'm feeling refreshed.

This is a heaven-defying fruit.

I'm keeping more. I still have 1 slot left in my inventory.

*cuts* *keeps*

Obtained [Eternal Green Cucumber x1]

Narrator: *drools* *gulps* Sorry! Shame on me. Mastamaynd21 separated all the [Eternal Green Cucumber] from its stem. He obtained a total of 13 [Eternal Green Cucumber]. He plundered every cucumber until the buds were only left. He stands up and was about to start his search for a suitable tree when remembered about the [Eternal Green Cucumber] gourd.


Aha, right! What a waste if I leave this [Eternal Green Cucumber] gourd. I have a use for you.

Narrator: He pulled out a [1meter: Vines of Suicide] and used his [All-purpose Knife] to cut the [Vines of Suicide] into ¼ of its original size.

Obtained [1meter: Strand-gle To Death x4]


[Strand-gle To Death]


Cut from the [Vines of Suicide].

Durability: 250,000/250,000


Ha! As expected I discover a new way of using this [Vines of Suicide].

Now, let's begin.

First, let's put two holes on this [Eternal Green Cucumber] gourd.

*makes a hole above and below*

Then insert this [Strand-gle To Death] inside the holes and make a knot at both ends.

And done.

[Congratulations! You made a quiver!]

[Please Name Your Creation!]

*types name*

*some passing by lights*


[Quiver of Cucumbers, lvl1]{Hunter}

(Normal, Offhand)

Description: The great and HANDSOME Mastamaynd21 has created a miracle.

Capacity: 0/50

Durability: 2,500/2,500


I made it. I created my first item.

Mwahahahaha. Kneel before your great "Masta".

*imagination confetti*

I'm awesome, thank you! Thank you! Everyone you don't need to do this. Hehehe

Narration: *sigh* It's hard when you're alone in the forest. It breaks people wills down.


Thank you! Thank you!



Wait this is not a good thing. I can feel the hairs at my back standing.

*turns around*

WTF. It massive! It looks like a crawling tree.


[Big Blacked-Boa, lvl3]{Monster}


Narrator: The snake's hissing woke Mastamaynd21 up from his delusions. He found out a very big snake that came out from the [Eternal Green Cucumber] vines. He tried to run away, but the [Big Blacked-Boa] circled around him, blocking any possible escape route for him.

Damn, what will I do?

Would I fight or let this snake eat me?

I won't let this fucker eat me. I won't give in.

Mastamaynd21: I'll fight you! You want a sword fight eh. You might be bigger than mine but I'm harder than you. *hand gesture* Come! I'll castrate you!

Narrator: Mastamaynd21 retreated away from the head. He did not encounter any of this back on earth, but he knows how to fight. Mastamaynd21 is skilled in combat using the knife. His father is one of the Grandmasters of Kali, and as a legacy, he let his son to practiced Kali since he was young. He might not have killed anyone before, and he didn't have any bloodlust or killing intent. But as a Mix Martial Artist, he possesses keen-observation and super-human reflexes. His dodging the [Big Blacked-Boa's] attacks effortlessly. Every time he passes through the [Big Blacked-Boa's] body, he will stab and slash it with his [All-purpose Knife]. When he slashes and stabs, he continuously produces Bleeding status to the boa, making the Bleeding effect duration to continue. He would also sometime inflict {Poison Sting} to the boa. Controlling his stamina lost, he would professionally slash to the snake's body like plucking a guitar easily. The [Big Blacked-Boa] was getting weaker each tick of the clock. Desperate, the [Big Blacked-Boa] tried to constrict Mastamaynd21 with its big body, but Mastamaynd21 already predicted the last struggle of the snake. He ran swiftly and carefully steps to the boa's body until he reached the back of the snakes head. The [Big Blacked-Boa's] wiggled and shook its body to get Mastamaynd21 off, but Mastamaynd21 was already gone. The [Big Blacked-Boa's] did not found any traces of Mastamaynd21 anywhere, it tried to turn its head left and right, but Mastamaynd21 was nowhere to be seen. Mastamaynd21 was midair all along. He let the gravity to pull him downwards, falling like a meteorite. The [Big Blacked-Boa's] cast its gaze above it, seeing Mastamaynd21 falling quickly above its head, it opened its jaw wide, ready to shallow Mastamaynd21 up. Mastamaynd21 expected the snake to this, holding the strap of his [Quiver of Cucumbers] he used it to ruthlessly bitch-slap the snake's jaw hard.

-10 durability [Quiver of Cucumbers]

Narrator: The boa was shaken, its jaw was bash so hard that it dislocated. The [Quiver of Cucumbers] is made from the [Eternal Green Cucumber] gourd, that is as hard as a rock. The already weaken [Big Blacked-Boa] was knocked unconscious by Mastamaynd21.


Narrator: Mastamaynd21 swiftly stabbed the boa's head 5 times striking its brain, and then he hurriedly retreated 10 meters away from the [Big Blacked-Boa]. The [Big Blacked-Boa] writhed in pain, struggling, fighting back against death. It flicked its tail striking nothing but thin air. A minute later, [Big Blacked-Boa] ceased from moving. Mastamaynd21 was very exhausted. His knees got weak that he falls to his knees. He laid down where he was standing panting, bath with the blood of the [Big Blacked-Boa]. After the fight, his Stamina Points reached zero. His first fight in this world was so difficult, that Mastamaynd21 can't even move a muscle.


I now have another food supply. Hahahaha!


Let me see if I have leveled up.


[Mastamaynd21, LVL 1]



(Experience: 10/525)




*cough a handful of blood*

X -40hp X (Fatal!)


Author's note:

1. Physical Status – things that naturally happen to our body like bleeding, fatigue, hunger, fever, flu, cold, or etc. I made this up to separate the Status to: Physical and Magical Status

Magical Status – like curses, poison, and other buffs.

2. Expire: Eternal – I don't know what to put in the Expire part. So I made up Eternal which means it will never rot or deteriorate.

3. Fatal – I forgot to note it to the other chap. This means a fatal damage which multiplies the damage by 4.

Crit – multiplies damage by 2.