Lord Magistrate Juron Althemor woke up in the middle of the night. A disturbance in the magic leylines has pulled him out of his meditation, and it troubled him deeply.
A lot has been going on in Stormfall in the recent days. First was the report of the old orphanage suddenly destroyed by an explosion. He suspected magic to be involved, sensing a powerful force emanating from that area so he sent one of their best arcanists to investigate. However, according to the report, it was caused by a dormant fissure that suddenly exploded. Another casualty of force majeure, then. These were common during these times. The world even after so long was still unstable due to the World Rift. He still suspected there was more to it but the case was already moved to the jurisdiction of the Disaster Response Council.
Now, the primary concern of the Arcane Watch is to figure out what is causing these sudden disruptions in the magic leylines. Putting on his robes, he walked out of his private room to alert the others.
'The Arcane Watch', the Lord Magistrate mused, his footsteps echoing in the long corridors going to the council room. His thoughts took him back to the time just before the Arcane Surge. They were researchers then, tasked to investigate a strange cube discovered deep in the ocean. They should've left it where it belonged. The damage caused by their ignorant tampering made them realize how dangerous this power is if left in the wrong hands.
Since it was already released into the world, containing it was no longer an option. Regulating the use of it and restricting some of it was the only option left. Who better to form a regulating body than those who have the most knowledge in it. Thus, the researchers who survived created the organization known today as the Arcane Watch. Their ranks consist of the most powerful and most disciplined of magicians, as they continue improve and learn more on this newfound knowledge. They do not keep it for themselves though. Anyone willing to learn can enroll under their tutelage and become a proper magician. Some illegal practitioners who were dangerous are considered a threat, and needed to be dealt with respectively.
Much like any other organization, the Arcane Watch also had its governing body. They call it the Conclave, made up of the five most powerful magicians, the High Magistrates. Lord Magistrate Juron is the most powerful among the five and presides over the Arcane Watch himself. 'A heavy burden for these old shoulders', he chuckled to himself. He brushes the thoughts away as he nears the doorways of the council room- the Eternal Chamber.
The guards recognize him immediately and bow as they open the heavy doors. Upon entering, Lord Magistrate Juron noticed that the other four High Magistrates are already seated in the council table. They greet him with a nod, some others with a smile.
He acknowledges each one as he takes his place in the table, "High Magistrates of the Arcane Watch. I apologize for assembling us at this late hour. Although I think you already know the reason for it. We have a matter to discuss."
The next day, The Stedores went down to the laboratory to get ready for the next experiment when the saw Sera sleeping on the floor next to the chair. They were both baffled but Agaven was the first to snap out. He immediately strapped Sera onto the chair and activated the clamps but withheld the injections first. He casted a spell on Sera so that she would sleep for a while longer.
Stepping into their office, Agaven was the first to break the ice again, "What is going on here?"
"I don't know.", Rhael responded blankly, but it was obvious she was thinking at the same thing.
"Maybe we missed something during the experiment. If we had just followed standard experimentation procedure, these things wouldn't have happened.", Agaven mumbled, unaware that he said it out loud.
Rhael stared at him in disbelief, "What? Are you blaming me for this? Agaven, are you listening to yourself?"
Agaven, trying to cover for himself, "Don't take this the wrong way, Rhael. I'm just saying—
"No, Agaven. Our daughter is in a cryo-capsule. And I've told you this before. We don't know how long that cryo-capsule will hold. Extracting the life-force of Sera is the only chance to save my princess." Rhael's voice broke as tears began to well up.
Agaven immediately went up to Rhael and caught her in his arms. "Shhh. It's all right. We can do this. I'm sorry." He consoled his wife, as the last of his doubts were erased. Time is of essence, and they were running out of it. They could not afford to waste it anymore on 'standard procedures'.
They had once stumbled upon a spell used for life-stealing but it required that the victim should be strong enough to survive the period of preparation. Sera's mysterious regenerative ability was just perfect. It was now or never for the Stedores, and they will not be wasting this chance.