<6:00 am, Saturday, May 6, 2017>
* Beep Beep Beep Beep *
The alarm clock by the bedside rang, vibrating while letting out annoying monotone beep's.
'Fuck, it's time to get up'
Haneul slovenly crawled his way out under his blanket towards the bathroom. The habit of waking up early started since his youth, as he goes for a morning run. Brushing his teeth, while staring at himself in the mirror with swollen eye-bags, he fixed his buzz cut short hair, shaved his stubble, revealing his defined cheekbones, and washed off all the gunk and oil.
He was quite good looking, at the very least above average.
Sunhee never noticed since he was never maintaining his appearance, however once she saw his kept face by coincidence when he was still staying at her house.
"If you don't keep your face clean every morning, i swear to whatever's god that's up there, i will personally go do it myself! It's a sin to keep good things to yourself!"
Haneul remembered how she cried in her room afterwards, shouting things like 'It's not fair! He's not even a girl.' and so forth.
"... not that she'll ever admit that, hurhur" he smirked, changing into his favorite bright yellow tracksuit, then headed out the door.
Running to the local park, he saw the usual group of aunties and uncles doing some light morning exercises together. On his first run in the early morning he was shocked at the scene since Australia didn't have such culture; now he would just wave and nod, or even joining them a few times.
Although he seemed lazy, he never slacked to maintain his body, ever since he was released from being basically bedridden. He never told anyone back then, because he had no one to rely on.
The orphanage couldn't afford proper medical treatment and had to make do with medical supplements/pills prescribed by the doctor to cope with his weak immune system. He was thankful enough for the orphanage still taking care of him despite the majority of his time there was being a burden.
As a twist of fate however, as he aged, his immune system built up, and he hasn't been sick since, and such determining him to live out his life healthily, staying away from the drugs, drinking and smoking his fellow peers at the orphanage were influenced to.
"Oh right. I was expelled." he remembered as he ran. Yesterday's events that were muddled became clear in detail. He after a few laps, he lost the groggy feeling in his body from the 'poison' yesterday night.
'Guess i should visit that idiot and see how she's coping.'
After approaching to a familiar breakfast diner he frequents, he called out cheerfully.
"Ajumma, 6 boiled eggs, 3 soy bean milk, 1 hangover stew and 2 kimchi stew's to go please!"
*knock knock*
"Zzz... uh? Mom, let me sleep in more." Sunhee mumbled from her bed, then pulled the blanket over her.
*Knock knock*
"Ahh! Mom! i'm seriously hungover you know? Let me sleep in peace!" She complained as she headed to open her bedroom door.
The porcelain white door creaked open.
"Yeah, i know. I even told you so yesterday, you idiot" Haneul replied while rolling his eyes when she finally opened the door.
Sunhee stood there shocked, surprised it wasn't her mom when she opened the door, but before she could say anything else, she noticed him eyeing her from head to toe.
"Hmm, haven't grown one bit. Still flat as always, i see. You should stop the habit of stripping in your sleep, it's inelegant."
"Anyways, go put some clothes on, i brought breakfast." he nonchalantly walked to towards the kitchen.
"... AISH, YOU CRAZY #$@%. YAH! KIM HA-NEUL!" she stood there, frozen like a sculpture for a real minute, until she finally erupted.
"That wench, what's there to be so loud about in the morning. Ha-ya, you can eat first, auntie will be done in just a bit." sunhee's mom, Kim Moon-Hee said sweetly, after harshly cursing her own daughter.
"It's okay auntie, i can wait until the idiot washes up. Do you need help?" he laughingly said.
At the same time amazed how she was exactly like sunhee in many ways, especially in cursing...
"Don't mind, don't mind, i'm nearly done."
Sunhee came out the bathroom with a white shower gown, as her hair and face were still wet. If there were any males watching, they would have all fainted due to blood loss.
However, from her expression, you could tell she was still grumpy from earlier.
'Even though she's sulking, she still sits next to me.' Haneul grinned and nudged her with his elbow.
"i'll let you go this once, but it's only because you brought breakfast" she proudly forgave him, while drinking the soy bean milk like a little kid... not convincing at all.
"Aw, is our baby still sad about being called flat? it's okay, if no one want's to marry you, i can always be benevolent and take you in."
"No thanks. Who'd want to be married to you? And it's not like being big is good anyways. Hmph." She rejected.
"... As a dog." Haneul finished, and hurriedly moved to sit on the other side of the table.
"YAH! Are you really going to keep going!?" she shouted back.
"What are you going on so noisily about, you should be happy that ha-ya is here looking after you. So what if he saw you naked? you've known him for so long now, he's basically family." Moonhee lectured, annoyed at her spoiled daughter.
"Plus, you got all your good looks from your mom right here, how many boys have waited around this street every morning, just to see you walk past? and you dare complain?" her mom rambled on.
It was true. Honestly speaking, he has never saw someone prettier than her during his two years here. He figured it was from her mom since he saw photo's of her during her youth, and she truly was a beauty; enough for all the boys to bleed blood all day.
...and night.
'Not like i'd ever tell her though, hurhur'
They all happily chatted and caught up, since it has been a while since he had been over. Auntie was busy updating him on the neighborhood drama, with things such as 'Mr Choi was caught by his wife at a brothel and dragged back at 2am', and 'The madam living two blocks away was cheating with so and so'.
When they were all done eating, sunhee's mom pushed haneul away outside the kitchen when he was heading to wash up, leading them to hang in sunhee's room.
"What! you got expelled? Why!" Sunhee rampantly asked, clearly shocked while texting on her phone.
"What do you mean why, it was those f*ckers with money. Don't worry so much, and don't tell your mother. Just a small thing." He brushed off the issue, and climbed into bed and under the blankets.
"What are you going to do from now on then? i thought you wanted to go to the same university campus with me next year..." She whimpered, as she expected to show him off to her friends.
"Sulking again? our little sunhee is?" Haneul teased, and reminiscing about when they used to just kill time in her room just like this, talking about anything and everything.
" ... Yeah, i am. What are you going to do?" She looked him in the eyes that were somewhat perturbed, putting her phone down and turning to him.
" Me? What else am i going to do? of course i have no choice but to use this." He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out his hand, with his thumb and index finger making a heart.
"... What even! You're so lame. I finally figured out the reason why you've been single these past two years."
She started to cracked up laughing, with tears in her eyes.
"No! Being single is a choice. Tsk, you wouldn't know anything you useless bum, it's not like you can talk either." Haneul chortled back, obviously surprised by the sudden attack.
"Who do you think i was waiting for..." she rambled under her breath, while turning her back to him.
"Ahem, I'm leaving now, remember to wash my coat before returning it. I'll message you when i figure things out." He left clearly flustered and got to the door.
He paused, quickly ran back, leaned over the bed and pecked her cheek, before escaping.
'Idiot, dumb ass, god, why did i do that! .' Haneul grimaced at his cowardly act.
'Idiot, i'm not going to wait for you forever, but i guess a little longer is fine.' she giggled, and hugged the pillow he was laying on.