Chapter 11- The middle island of the public platform

It looks like Sugi has finally gotten up. I was facing away from her, looking at the separated waves outside the wood.

[Command: play]

I played a song from the listed songs on the web. It was mellow and calm that fitted the images of the waves. The time passed quick as I soon got up.


I smiled at Sugi.

"Hey" she replied back

I stood at the front of the wood as we soon stopped by a teacher. He created another block in the waters, pushing the pre-existing water in that area out to the sides, creating a light wave that pushed outwards from the area, that is only truthy visible by the help of the wood platform that stops the larger waves from covering it completely. We stayed as the teacher opened the invisible field above us that leads to the main street in the center island of the public platform. The opening was open, but above us, it was rectangular, 3x5m large. The wings won't work, and the roof/ opening height is about 3m. I guess I have to jump out and the others can see jus… Before I could finish my thought process, the teacher solidified a straight ladder, connect the wood platform to the opening.

I climbed and climbed and up the sunny top. I stood up the small wall that was apart of the opening to view the water from the roads. I hopped down to the sides of the waterhole and the areas of the trees, standing in a 45-degree walkway that people usually use to change sides on the main road. People looked at me weirdly, but I looked at them back until they turned away from boredom. That sure showed them, though I do get why they looked, it's not every day see people coming from down there, especially one after another like a kingdom of ants marching for their next feast.

I walked a few steps to the left side of the main road, away from the tree that blocked my view. I turned my body right and looked to the central island, named the one piece, the place of adventure and fun. We were two islands away from the One Piece, as it's surrounded by another six islands, themed after six legendary manga of all time, with another island floating above One Piece, surrounded by three smaller islands with each of equal sizing. Between each of the six islands around One Piece, above but a little below the top 4 islands are a small island that contains a house made by any drink or food they are serving. Scattered around the place with regrowing candy plants you can pick up and eat. The bottom of the island looks like an upside down the cliff with the flat side pointing to the top, just like most park islands. The looks of it are dirt but surprisingly made from rubber clay that allows each part to be changed to a certain extent.

The longer and longer you look, One Piece seamlessly pulls you in, almost makes you want to walk closer and closer until you reach it. The outer designed on the base rocks are shaped and curved into the faces of the 15 straw hats with the captains of the original seven captains of the grand fleet also curved around them in a smaller scale alongside the more popular characters. The carving was made to look like the ones in the leaf village in Naruto, which was requested Oda to show his respect. The one-piece island was the second largest island there, with the islands on the top combined being larger.

From a distance you can see a slight glimpse of light that reflects off the crystal sky paracord, referencing the island in the sky with stopped time and seasons with motions repeated each day. The giant's house above the skies which contains the large servings of food was also there. Below the giant house is the home of the world nobles with a moon above, symbolizing their origins with clouds floating beneath them that carries the sky island that is created by war after One Piece is found, which gave a clue to the first part to find the true One Piece. The sky island above the clouds of war is also symbolic of how the island was used to escape the harsh world of below. On the side of the island was the small fake home of Vegapunk, that starts off the race to find one piece. This was a race where you ice skate, swim, paracord, gravity changing to pass many obstacles as you travel on many separate roots around, the; clouds, sky island, home of world nobles, giant's home, war zone, down to the 4 levels of frozen spirts through the entrance of impel down, and back to the Vegapunk house, all without flying.

That was all the larger building I could see from a distance.

The rest of the class gradually begin to pop out from the waterhole like bunnies that are deformed and can climb ladders with a leg each step that looked like humans. Sugi was the second to get out, besides me, as the teacher stayed down below to make sure everything was fine. The class all got up as the teacher turned, disabled the ladder and turned back to turn off the part to let human through, just in case some tries to get in before the next class arrives.

A foot goes front, food goes back, and now on repeat. The class walks through the main roads of the loosely crowed people. In the left was a roll of cold drink shoes with the right being the hot drinks. Each shoe was looked after by people, giving this island the name, original taster. The second and third floors are connected, used for extreme fire cooling. The first floor's roof is completely opened with an invisible field that keeps a large burning on top with a few floating bricks around the second and third-floor middle that is connected by a invisible field, leaving the top of the third-floor fire for cooking. On the second floor, is the usual eating area with a thick line of fire just burning in the middle of the room, scratching from the base of the room to slightly above the open floor's third layer floor. In the cold time, some of the heat from the fire can be let out. On the third floor is middle with a hole. The third floor has no roof, and when it rains, a wall stretches from the ground and bend to cover. The middle hole is surrounded by red bricks that extrude 30cm up from the floor level with a half thinner brown brick to finish the top. Inside the hole is a large burning fire that rises from the second floor. The use of the fire ranges from; making medicine for the first floor, to BBQ, to frying and basically do whatever you want. The people are allowed to go up the third floor to see and eat, as long as you don't bother anyone that's working there.

The third, second and first floors are always connected a simple bridge network, which was agreed by each of the owners in the main roads, which gives the customers easier transportation, as you can now easier get something from one shop to the other, allowing them to eat more, earning more money. The bridges often cross over each other on the same level like a snowfleck with a layer of two going back to the floor level, allowing them for quicker access. Those bridges cuts through the empty skies, giving the place a sense of time and a tinny bit of emotion.

It wasn't soon that we left, you can start to hear the mindless chatters that vibrate through the empty wall ways, through the too endless talking of my class. The shadows of the bridge form the shadows of spider webs on the round, giving the place an artistic feel. I walked and walked to found sometime ourselves looking at each other, before quickly mine losing her eyes in a swift head turning motion to look the other side. I looked back a moment later to check; she turned back at looking at me again as I do, before again losing her.

I sometimes wonder. Is this how I want to protect my feelings?

I wanted to walk towards her and start talk like how I always wanted to do. I am getting closer… I am moving… Good… Am I closer?

I looked again. I was nowhere near. Away, away, more than started.