A range of different colour leaves dance across the top surface of the trees; ranging from yellow to oranges to light red. I sat down, now under the sun shine and leaves. I still had my rope on me as I kept the rope rapped around the tree truck that I was standing on. I kept the weight on and rapped on the other end around my arm. I placed my feet on the edge of the trunk and slipped my body off the edge and started to fall for about 30cm before I got stuck in the air due to the length of the rope.
[Command: Extend]
The rope started to extend slowly downwards as I grabbed onto the upper part of the robe and dragged it around and under my bottom and back to the top around my arm, creating a sitting area. I lowered and lowered, hitting some brunches during times as I admire the orange, pink and red leaves around me.
A minute or so has pasted since I started to descend down, and now only 5m away from the area where Sugi is downloaded. I spot a large mushroom nearby.
[Command: Cancel]
The rope and weight disappeared as I began to fall as the speed of which the wing hits my body quickens.
My body hits flat on the marshmallow feel mushroom that was located right next to Sugi. It was probably the same one I landed on last time.
"Sugi, what are you doing."
I crawled over to her over the mushroom to land on hers as she faced the sky with her eyes opened.
"Nothing much, you know just reading."
I returned to my mushroom and laid down on my back, just wondering off to the sky.
I didn't do much, to tell the truth. I laid down and followed the twisting leaves that would fall down every second. One landed on the face and many on the body. It was calm with the occasional visits from my class that came from the trees or over the bridge up the river is the only thing that breaks the silence. Not that I mind the silent per say with the wind the blowing onto the face and the shadows that are formed from the endless leaves above being relaxing, strangely.
"Say, Anna…"
Sugi stopped a bit as she still faces the sky.
"What do you want to do. I know you won't truly be satisfied doing ordinary things."
"You aren't wrong, but as I told you before, I don't know what to do. I've always wanted to do something special compared to the others."
"Heard of the cold room?"
Sugi turned her head over and smiled a little, breaking her usual personality.
"Yea, no. I'm not getting close to the thing."
"Hm, hm. I was clearly joking; no one wants to go there. It's a cursed pit where you can only go down and can't get up."
Sugi said back with a light voice.
"Has anyone tried to dig from the sides to get there?"
"I don't know, but from what I know, I don't think so. I'll search it up."
I waited for Sugi.
"It seems like they have tried it before, but it seems the curse works in the area around it."
I glared at Sugi, thinking of an idea.
"The curse only works for things that are going up right?"
"What if you are to dig straight until you have reached outside the area and then start to dig up?"
"There aren't answer on the web."
I gave a curious look with a thin smile and sharpened my eyes a little.
The conversation once again ended and we got back to looking at the sky or the leaves slightly under the shades generated from the large surrounding trees.