Chapter 37- Down the void

The elastic web between my hands disappeared along with the previous style and flat water. A sudden, the floor was gone too, but two small circles of the metal floor remained that's below both of us. I tried to lift my legs but it seems to be stuck in one position, looking at Sugi, she seems to have the same problem. Though, on second look, her platform seems to move a little in angle. By bending my left leg and lend back, trying to lift the front of the board, it rolled up in a curve as if there's an invisible solid around me. My both feet were up in a 90-degree angle up from the ground on the platform with my body still straight as if where were the platform is, it's my central gravity, and my body is pulled towards the direction. Looking at my side where it uses to be the area where I stand, I could clearly see the void. Remaining the angle in leaned back and my left knee bent, I was able to remain on the side. When I let go to my normal stand, I was sliding back to where I was standing and the platform covering over the view of the void.

A sudden, a wall of arrows shoots from towards me from the front. I once again bent my left knee and pulled my body back in a 45-degree fashion to pull the platform along with my glued feet up to stop the arrows. The arrows hit the other side of the platform and quickly vanished. Another wave came from the back as I quickly got back to my straight standing position and bent my right knee and pulled me back down the opposite direction as before. I got the platform up on time, blocking the arrow. Catching the edge of my eye was a roll of arrow coming from the left side. I quickly got my back straight and my right knee up. With a wrist on my stomach, I turned my right foot towards the role of arrows which turned the metal circle plate under my foot as well which you can't tell because of the small flat grey look. I bent my left knee back and bent my back down and blocked the incoming shots.

Without a sign moment to relax, on the top of my eye, I spot a rain of arrows falling down above me. As my feet were already at a 90-degree angle off the ground and my back is on about a 45-degree angle from a standing position. I bent my back all the way down, bent my left feet more and using my hip area, pulled my body upwards until my feet were facing up towards the sky. I relaxed my stomach and had it straight again to maintain the stance with my left knee straight again. The rain of arrows hit my standing platform and one by one like raindrops, vanishes.

I looked over at Sugi to see her looking back at me. Her platform was on her palms as it was raised above her head, while her feet faces towards the void, while I always had the platform on my feet.

"Anna, you only need one part of your body on it. Just place your hand on the platform, and you can get your leg out!"

"Thank you!"

We shouted across the empty spaces as we both hang in the middle of a void. A cylinder was raised from the unseeable void up to us. The cylinder was stretched up till the middle of the circle between Sugi and I. The flat circle is pointing upwards where I could barely see, and the opposite end of that circle is in somewhere underneath, in the mist of the hazy dark. Facing towards Sugi and me was a 360-degree curved up rectangle filled with dirt, rocks, and trees. The size of the cylinder was something that can't be estimated, sizing in about the area squared of the average intelligence of Justin Bieber fans times the imagination capabilities of an Attack on Titan idiot divided by 5M.

[Calculate: (-314159 26535 89793 23846…6 X -9654345677876765451…1) / 5M = flip opposite of the grade of the writer]

In short, it's about the size of half the circle battling ground at the top circle that stretches down to un unseeable part of the void, with the curve parts of the cylinder correlates to the opposite score of the author's appearances.

A single tear drops lands on the paper.

[Stage 7 starts!]

In a sudden turn of events, I begin to fall towards the cylinder's curved surface. My legs are still attached to the platform as I was pulled in a downward and left direction towards the curved-up surface of the tall cylinder. The wind in the air hits me rapidly throughout my body as my leg to pointing to the sky, and my head is where my legs are supposing to be normally.

By bending my leg and swing towards, I lifted it over my head and back to where it's supposed to be. Sugi was about to land in the distance on the opposite side I'm going to be landing. With the platform in the way of my view, I couldn't see where I was supposed to be landing. I couldn't lean my torso in many ways either as that could change the platform's angle and not land properly. I looked to my sides to see the dirt ground, and the trees have blocked my view of Sugi. Passing through the trees, I waited to the second I land. I started seeing treetops in the distance at first, but soon, I began to see more tree tops closer to me as the previous area where I would see tree tops showed dirt and small plants. In a second, I saw some green right outside my platform.

With a slide, I landed and slowed down. Green leaves came and left my view from the front as I have landed on a tree top. Due to the angle I came in, I bounced a little up and forwards before gliding off the tree and with a plat of dust, gliding down a curved dirt ground. Without breaks, I pulled my body a little back to slow down what was an endless increase in speed. In the corner of my eye, I saw a thin spread of dust cloud coming from the left.

-She's near and ahead

I pulled my body forwards to increase my movement speed, but never enough to make myself fall. Traveling in a straight, I passed few trees, but there was one coming right in front of me. Due to the flat surface of the platform, simply putting my body on one side wouldn't work. I remembered what Sugi said earlier.

The tree was approaching fast, as I bent down to have my right arm touching the platform. I lift up my legs, and now they're free. By placing my body weight into my arm and have the rest of the body in the shape as if I was laying down my stomach, I swag my whole body to the left up to move the platform in the direction to avoid the tree and get closer to Sugi. As another tree approaches the front again, I return my body slowly back, right behind my arm again and swing again to the left. I looked into the distance to see a half-fallen half-burnt the tree in about 45 degrees with the bottom part facing my direction, but a little up left, which was fitting to where I wanted to go. With another swing of my body, I got in line with the bottom of the tree. I slowly returned to my body back and had my feet on the platform to free my hands. I had my right in front and left at the back. I bent my left and bent my back down to get the front of the platform up to follow up the tree. The front touched the tree and glided upwards, though it did take away some speed. I stood back to normal and bent back down to have my right hand behind a large dead tree trunk as my lift hand is grabbing on to my right-hand support. With the force of the drop combined with the sliding behind my hand, the trunk, and the hand meet.

In a split second, it felt like my arms getting ripped off from my shoulders if not for my left hand taking in some damage. The impact would have been strong enough to fly me off in the opposite direction usually but due to my legs forcefully attached to the platform, I was about to stay on. As the platform jumped off the tree and started the fall to the ground, the brunch was held in my hands that was flopping in the back with the brunch just bragging about.

-Time to hunt!

Anna puts up a wide grin on her mouth as her eyes thinners that match her flowing backward hair.

Time: 2:50