Chapter 42- Wasn’t the last chapter suppose to be about work?

Time: 10:40

With a; walk, dance and a clap around the red wooden tower, the main festival has started. With a hit on the drams, the flute sang. With a red scaled goldfish jumping over the thin bridge in a grey rocked pond nearby, the cows flew over the moon. As the flute deepens, the drums quicken. With three hits on a dram, the flute blew once. With a twist on the body and letting go of the hand, I looked at Sugi, and she looked at me.

"Once more?"

With hands laying over each over and a foot forwards, two people got closer. With a touch on the cheek and a holding of hands, a kiss happened in the blear of the crowd dancer near the tower.

Time: 11:00

A large bang from the Dram finishes the dance as the water grounds rise from the ground. Swig down from the top and twisting in the water filled the air. With two holding hands, they flew up the skies after a splash in the calm waters. Into the sky, they did as they slowly solidified and destroyed their wings to make a pixel raining effect.

Time: 11:15

We got back home, opening the window and getting back in. We got in the shower one by one. Sugi went first, and I went second. I walked through the circle area and into the direction of the kitchen, stopping only a few meters before. A turn to the right was made, closing the silver thick framed door with the rest filled with clear green glass.

I threw my clothing in the open door stuck in a wall box. The door closes. The rectangle hand washing area was stretched out on the left as the toilet was placed on the right-hand side, divided by a green glass from the lowered and curved shower area. The seating area often toilet was made of straight and strong lines to add an edge, with the rest having a little more curved look. I walked a straight a little and turned a right, making my way into the no door shower. The flower was curved down to a rectangular surface with a 1-millimeter gap in between for the water to slide in. A field was made on the entrance as I got in, though sound, air, and solid could still come through. The soft water rain down from 6 directions onto the body. It stopped for a moment as the shampoo was shoot from the top and sides on the hair. I grabbed onto the hairs and began to scratch and clean it as body washes are fired down to the lower body. I placed out my hand to get come water that just started leaking from the side of the wall. The body and hair were cleaned as the water rained down again from above. As the warm water relaxes my body, I lifted my head up for them to clean the face. The waste materials which normally causes blackheads, pimples and other toxic flow to the surface of the skin and down the body to the drains. If some parts are missing from the skin, a material is attached to you. I took a few more minutes to relax in the shower. The water stopped as a field slides down from the top of my head to the bottom, pushing the water on my skin and hair down to the feet and into the drain as I floated up a little. I was put down after the water has left as another field came by that the top of straightening the hair as it adds some liquid to make it softer and heather. Walked out and grabbed my clothes out from the box on the right that now is newly cleaned. I didn't wear them as Sugi passed over par of pajamas through the object traveling system in the house that travels to each room, through the walls and roof.

The door opened from the Shower room as a long black-haired girl with a long cotton blue par of pajamas walked out as the steam in the room was sucked up. Her almost perfectly black eyes were almost gem-like as her soft hair flew so ever little on each step, she made through the hallway to the circled room.

Time: 11:30

The door opened to Sugi's now light down the room. A curved part of the blanket on the bed was up with the top facing the window wall with a splatter of white hair. I walked near her to see her sound asleep on the top of the blanket covering loosely up to a third of the face, stopping a little below the small sticking up the nose of hers. Without nothing to say, I went in from the end of the bed and slipped in and slip to the top.

-It was the second time, this kind of thing happened today.

Anna had a small smile as her eyes closed and a small amount of wind was let it from the window.