The moment I entered and passed through the front metal gates of the school, for reasons I don't understand, I feel trapped. It's like a jail for untrained animals. The half climbable but sharpened fences around the school subconsciously tell the students inside that they escape. It felt like the fences themselves can rise to hit the students that try to escape. It makes a person think they can escape but without the things hammered into you at school, you can't survive. School for me is like a brain washing factory and for only those that have a strong enough mind set not to be completely brainwashed.
The world always tells you to do something in a curtain way. But is that correct? Is something that gets the same points across but in a different format several levels below one that is more a traditional writing style? Can people not use their imagination outside the box to understand something, not of the ordinary? How can people see things just at face value? For me to change my writing style to a more traditional style more correct? Why couldn't there a second way of doing the same thing?
School is the cause of all those problems. They claimed to teach the student. Yea, they sure teach, but are most of that information even needed in this world? They mark use due to how close our work hits the criteria sheet. We are told to hit all the areas and achieve everything just the like the person before did and the one before and the one before.
To copy things…
'Isn't that what machines are for?'
'Do we not have an identity?'
Look at me. No, not me, look at the area I am in. I am in the assembly. I am forced to sit down when I want to stand because that is what we're supposed to do. Wow, look at them talk about how good the school is. I beat that must be their real opinions, or it might just be they're
B R O K E N E D.
'What does that say about us that sat here, the ones used to be filled with personality getting swallowed by sociality and subconsciously became what was deemed expected or wanted.'
'Why am I even here?'
Oh, that right, I almost forgot. My work as an author was never guaranteed. My breaking of the cage called society depends on my writing. I need to write someone that most people can enjoy which includes me. Oh, that's right, that was another reason for coming here except a backup plan.
'Hey, Robots… LET ME KNOW YOU'