This is not a novel!

She picked up her chopsticks and began to eat, she didn't forget to put some rose Lilly poison, if she was going to be living in a world were people used poisons like they used tissues she had to build up some immunity. The Rose-Lily poison affected her really badly because she was weak and didn't ingest enough nutrients for her body to grow. The food were in small portions and lacked carbohydrates, fats and protein, She really had to do something about that, but for now she just had to heal her body and recuperate quietly.

As soon as she finished eating Mei Li cleared up the plates and left Liu Lian to her own devices. It was only the second day and Liu Lian was already bored to death, there was nothing to do, all she did was sleep eat and read the few books she found laying around the house. Even after ding all that she still have a decent amaount of the day left so she had decided to take a walk around the gardens.

She immediately put on her shoes and began to make her way towards the gardens. It was peaceful and quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the bird chirping and the small water fluctuations in the pond made by the sound of the koi fish popping out of the pond. she sat down under a big tree near the pond and began to read a book she had. It was very disgusting, a woman who fell for a poor man, discarded her family to marry him but in the end the man ended up marrying a childhood sweetheart. It was extremely revolting to her that a man could do such a thing.

"In an era like this women are only play things... can be thrown away at will" with that she sharply closed the book and dumped it into the river.

As she was about to get up she felt something drip on her face. She wiped it off and noticed it was red, blood.

She quickly looked up to see a man with abnormal white hair, her eyes widened as she noticed that blood dripped from his mouth. What an extremely handsome man! Perfectly crafted by the devil! Almost like someone in a novel!

After admiring his face she noticed a bloody spot near his stomach, he seemed to be unconscious with his tense brows. So she did the most reasonable thing to do, ignore it and move on with life, that's what she wanted to do until she heard him groan. He was alive.

As a person with morals she couldn't even keep walking. She sighed in frustration as she turned back to help that man off the tree.

Luckily for her no one seemed to pass through that area so she didn't have any trouble with dragging the man slowly but surely back to her bedroom, it nearly took her an hour! With her sickly body and weak muscles, she was lucky the man was slightly thinner and not solely muscle like many martial artists!

She wiped the sweat off her face as she set him down. She had to cure him and chase him out before anyone notices! If they do she'd be so screwed! But as she looked at his face her heart beat slightly, this was a once in a life time scene that seemed like it came straight from a novel!

The female lead saving the male lead's life and then they fell in love.

Blinking she brought herself to her senses, this was not a novel!

She she immediately blocked a few acupuncture points around his body then his bleeding stopped. Then she began her treatment which to others in that era would seem like a complex healing method but to Liu Ji Lian she was just giving basic first aid!

The blood was poisoned, obviously, normal blood didn't have a purple hue. She couldn't identify it but she didn't need to. All she had to do was extract it, or force it out! This poison, symptoms were fevers and chills with purplish blood with paralysis and abdominal bleeding with a poison induced wound!

This poison was fed to him!

So all she had to do was force him to spit!

Without a second thought she jabbed her fingers into his mouth and with a cold voice, "spit!"

It took up to an hour and by the time she was done she was completely exhausted.

She collapsed next to the man and fell asleep almost instantly ignoring that this world had strict boundaries between the opposite sex.

The man soon woke up and noticed the girl next to him, she was beautiful, and she had saved him, he felt his heart warm up to the girl. He noticed footsteps from outside and immediately jumped out of her window so he wouldn't spoil her reputation, instead he would compensate for her saving his life.

He was the the second prince of the neighbouring kingdom, he had come for a marriage alliance and unfortunately for him he was attacked by assassins. And luckily he was saved by the beautiful girl. I guess you could say his heart was moved.

Determination flashed through his eyes and he left the Liu Manor, he would return this favour, he will fulfil any of her wishes or his name wasn't King Of Hell!