Bitch! In your face!

They finally decided to make their move, after a few days of being dormant they had finally expressed interest in initiating a fight in the style of an engagement party. How amateurish, they were probably going to make her step sister the prettiest then they'd try to tarnish her reputation in hopes that the king of hell would reject her making her the laughing stock of the kingdom. Too cliche.


Liu Lian laughed lightly as she watched the cherry blossoms fall. You want to play? Fine! Just be prepared to lose!

"Mei Li" she called and the servant girl came running to her.

"The engagement celebration party is tomorrow, get me a plain white dress, make sure that before the banquet you personally prepare food for me."

Mei Li felt confused but she nodded and retreated back, and immediately went in search of the white dress.

Liu Lian watched Mei Li retreat and she slowly stood up, she was going to make some glue, she wasn't any good at sewing so she was planning to use some handmade glue.

She wasn't going to give anyone the chance to ridicule her, not that she cared about what others thought of her. She just didn't like to let her enemies win, it always seemed to leave a bitter taste in her mouth,

An eye for an eye, a life for a life, a reputation for a reputation.


She smirked as she passed under the cherry tree.

She would make her dress the most natural, the most beautiful, she began to laugh uncontrollably, she would end her cliché Cinderella and her evil step sister situation.

Just you wait you stuck up wanabe.

If only all Cinderellas were from the 21st century, and survived high school like our Liu Lian, no evil step sister would dare to mess with them!


The banquet was held in the gardens with the beautiful cheery blossom tree, it was a full moon and the scene was just enchanting.


The crowd happily chatted, in this world women were not so separated from men. As the guests talked and made merry concubine Mei called out in a gentle but clear voice. "Liu Bai!"

The crowds attention was suddenly shifted to Liu bai who wore a beautiful blue dress with embroidered birds of gold. It was magnificent; but the crowd paid no attention to her, rather they were all taken by the evildoer that had positioned herself right behind her.

Liu Ji Lian.

Liu Lian wore a smirk on her face as she looked at Liu Bai which clearly said 'bitch! In your face!'

Liu Juan descended gracefully and her dress could only be described as heavenly. The cherry blossoms dropped one by one as she walked creating the illusion of a cherry tree. Her dress was beautifully white with pink cherry blossom trails circling the dress. This was a work of art!

The crowd was engrossed in such a stunning display of elegance that everyone had completely ignored Liu bai!

Unfortunately Liu Lian hadn't accounted for something, she had no friends to stand with!

She couldn't awkwardly just stand in the middle! She also couldn't go to the food table, she would look like a glutton!

First World Problems.

To save her from the awkwardness Bo Jing approached her and reached out his hand. She sighed in relief and took it. He might be the enemies brother, but at least he was civilised unlike the barbarian mother and child.

She was lead to a group of people, a female and two males. The female was your classic royal beauty and males were also handsome. Due to this she wasn't reluctant to approach them.

I mean, who would be reluctant to approach such handsome men!?