No name then?

"Let go of me!"

She struggled not willing to submit to such a pearl adorned peacock. But in the end, she was still a slave, bought and owned by the Liu Manor. But even a slave like her wouldn't stoop so low to kowtow asnd to beg for forgiveness. She was the di miss's first class maid and she would carry herself like one! Especially since the di miss was now a princess, in the end a concubine was just a concubine!

She shouldn't be able to boss around a princess's first class maid! But still, her miss hadn't yet married, if she made a scene people would gossip and say that the princess couldn't train her own maid and her fiance might be disappointed with her. Her miss was virtuous and refined, she didn't deserve to suffer such a fate because of a slave!

Because of this she grit her teeth and made up her mind to bear with it. Mei Li was ruthlessly dragged out by the guards who payed no attention to her, her hair was a mess and her knees grazed themselves as they kissed the floor.

Concubine Su smirked, "this was found next to the pond where the young master almost drowned! This is clearly your pouch! Speak maid!"

Mei Li wasn't stupid, that was indeed her pouch but what proof did they have that it was hers. A lot of people wouldn't said yes, and still survive this ordeal miraculously. We all know attempting to kill the young master is a grave crime, there was no room to be a good person!

"That pouch is not mine!" Concubine Su was infuriated. Liu Ling immediately landed a slap on her face and Mei Li felt tears threaten to fall from her eyes.

"Impudence! My maid confirmed that she was you holding this pouch yesterday!" Liu Ling wasn't ready to let go.

Mei Li was indeed holding this pouch, however she had made it for her miss...

"Look at the pouch! My name isn't on it unlike the normal pouches! You accuse nubi falsely!"

... so her name wasn't on it.

"Even so you still held possession of this pouch!"

A strange expression flashed through Mei Li's eyes and she dropped an epic bomb. "But young miss, this pouch was the gift my young miss handed over to you this morning! Have you forgotten!?"

She was obviously lying. But there wa no proof, for all they knew she could be right.

"Besides I have been with the young miss all day!"

Bitch! Liu Ling screamed in her head. What gift!? If she didn't ask for her maid to steal the pouch she wouldn't even know what it looked like!

And by saying she was with Liu Lian she was implicating the di miss!

Lying isn't bad when you do it to save your life.

"I can testify."

Everyone's attention was immediately taken to Bo Jing who waltzed in like it was no ones business. Then he smiled at Liu Lian before turning to the mother and daughter.

"Liu Lian did indeed give this pouch as a present to 3rd sister."


These two were completely shameless!

And worst of all Bo Jing was the heir! So his words were final!

"No! They are lying!"

Falsely accusing the heir and Mei Li. By accusing Mei Li you are accusing the Di miss! The Di miss who was called virtuous by the Emperor! She was basically saying the Emperor was lying.

The bitch was so screwed.


"So you talk?" Liu Lian asked the albino snake that stared at her with it's crimson eyes and it nodded its head slightly.

"So I guess you don't have a name as well like your master who calls himself 'E'"

[A mere human like you won't be able to understand the supreme intelligence of my master]

The snake said as it slipped off to sleep.

No name then?